139. National Security Decision Memorandum 2921
- The Secretary of Defense
- The Deputy Secretary of State
- The Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- The Administrator, Energy Research and Development Administration
- U.S.-Iran Nuclear Cooperation
The President has reviewed the study directed by NSSM 219 and has noted the comments and recommendations of the agencies. The President has decided that in negotiating an Agreement on Cooperation in the Civil Uses of Atomic Energy with the Government of Iran, the U.S. shall:
—Permit U.S. material to be fabricated into fuel in Iran for use in its own reactors and for pass-through to third countries with whom we have Agreements.
—Agree to set the fuel ceiling at a level reflecting the approximate number of nuclear reactors planned for purchase from U.S. suppliers. We would, as a fallback, be prepared to increase the ceiling to cover Iran’s full nuclear requirement under the proviso that the fuel represents Iran’s entitlement from their proposed investment in an enrichment facility in the U.S. Any additional entitlement could be disposed of by Iran without importing the material into that country through sales from the United States to appropriate third countries with whom the U.S. has bilateral Agreements for Cooperation.
—Continue to require U.S. approval for reprocessing of U.S. supplied fuel, while indicating that the establishment of a multinational reprocessing plant would be an important factor favoring such approval. As a fallback, we could inform the Government of Iran that we shall be prepared to provide our approval for reprocessing of U.S. material in a multinational plant in Iran if the country supplying the reprocessing technology or equipment is a full and active participant [Page 469] in the plant, and holding open the possibility of U.S. participation. The standard provision requiring mutual agreement as to safeguardability shall apply. An expression of U.S. willingness to explore cooperation in establishing such a facility at an appropriate time should Iran so desire, may be made.
Summary: Kissinger informed the addressees that President Ford had reviewed the study directed by NSSM 219 and decided that the United States should follow several guidelines in negotiating an agreement with the Iranian Government on cooperation in the civil uses of atomic energy.
Source: Ford Library, National Security Council, Institutional Files—NSDMs, Box 69, Originals—NSDM 281 to NSDM 300. Secret. A copy was sent to Colby. Also printed in Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, volume XXVII, Iran; Iraq, 1973–1976, as Document 115. NSSM 219 is Document 126; the study is Document 129.