109. Memorandum From David Elliott of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)1
- Presidential Report to Congress Regarding Nuclear Safeguards and the Export of Nuclear Technology and Materials
The 1974 Export Administration Act requires the President to report to Congress before April 30, 1975, on the adequacy of U.S. regulations and domestic and international safeguards in preventing nuclear proliferation or theft (Tab B).
The AEC is prepared to assemble the reports in coordination with other interested agencies, but needs a directive from the Executive Office indicating that is how the President wants the matter pursued.
Because of the national security and foreign policy aspects to the requested reports, and our involvement in this issue through NSDM 235, 254, and 255 and NSSM 202, the NSC is the appropriate mechanism to obtain the Presidential directive, and to request and receive the reports from the AEC. OMB and CIEP agree.
The memorandum to the President (Tab I) requests his approval to the study directive (Tab A).
Dick Kennedy concurs.
1. That you initial the memorandum to the President (Tab I).
2. If he approves, that you sign the study directive (Tab A).
Summary: Noting that the 1974 Export Administration Act required President Ford to report to Congress regarding nuclear safeguards, Elliott informed Kissinger that the Atomic Energy Commission required a directive from the Executive Office of the President to coordinate the necessary reports.
Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser, Presidential Files of NSC Logged Documents, IF/NS File for the President, Box 12, 7500237, Presidential Report to Congress on Nuclear Safeguards and Export of Nuclear Technology and Materials. No classification marking. Sent for action. Tab I is Document 110. Tab A is Document 111. Tab B, containing the text of Section 14 of the 1974 Export Administration Act, is attached but not published. NSDM 235 is Document 18; NSDM 254, April 27, 1974, concerns domestic safeguards; NDSM 255 is Document 53; NSSM 202 is Document 50; and the NSSM 202 study is Document 57.