103. National Security Decision Memorandum 2811


  • The Secretary of Defense
  • The Deputy Secretary of State
  • The Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency


  • Ratification of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 on Gas Warfare

The President has reviewed the report of December 6 submitted by the Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, pursuant to NSDM 279. He has approved the report and authorizes the director to state before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that:

(1) the formulation of U.S. policy toward tear gas and herbicides incorporated in the report is the President’s position,

(2) it is the President’s intention to conform U.S. policy accordingly, assuming the Senate consents to ratification on this basis, and

(3) the President continues to urge advice and consent to ratification of the Biological Warfare Convention.

The President also approves the notification of appropriate allied governments of the administration’s position on the Protocol prior to the appearance of the director before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Henry A. Kissinger
  1. Summary: Following a review of ACDA Director Iklé’s December 6 memorandum, President Ford authorized Iklé to state his position on the matter before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and approved notification of appropriate allied governments of the administration’s position on the 1925 Geneva Protocol.

    Source: Ford Library, National Security Council, Institutional Files—NSDMs, Box 56, NSDM 281—Ratification of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 on Gas Warfare. Confidential. Copies were sent to Colby and Brown. Attached as Tab A to a December 10 memorandum from Kissinger to Ford; see the source footnote, Document 102. For Iklé’s statement, see Document 104.