369. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to Secretary of Defense Richardson, Washington, May 3, 1973.1 2
May 3, 1973
SUBJECT: Thai SGU Program, FY 1974
The President agrees with the plan described in your memorandum of April 6, 1973, to maintain 15 Thai SGU infantry battalions after withdrawal from Laos through the first half of FY 74. He wants to be certain, however, that the Thai SGU force reductions involved are not made prior to actual withdrawal of the forces from Laos under the terms of the Laos agreement. Until that time the Thai SGU forces should be supported at the existing level of 30 combat effective battalions.
To assure that these units can be fully effective should circumstances require their employment, artillery fire-support should also be provided. Therefore, it would be appreciated if your plan could be revised to add to the force to be retained in the initial phase two of the existing SGU artillery battalions. One of these units could be disbanded at mid-year when the infantry force is reduced.
Henry A. Kissinger
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 565, Country Files, Far East, Thailand, Volume 10, 1973–. Secret; Sensitive. Richards’s memorandum of April 6 is attached but not published.↩
- Kissinger endorsed the Department of Defense’s request to maintain Thai Special Guerrilla Units after their withdrawal from Laos.↩