342. Editorial Note.
On September 2, 1975, Thomas Barnes of the National Security Council (NSC) Staff sent a memorandum to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger suggesting a review of U.S. policy toward military bases in the Philippines in anticipation of future negotiations with the Philippine Government. On the first page of Barnes’ memorandum, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Brent Scowcroft wrote, “HAK wants the review in terms of our entire Pacific posture and interests—not just SEA.” (Ford Library, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–40, NSSM 235, U.S. Interests and Objectives in the Asia-Pacific Region [2 of 2] [11]) In response to Kissinger’s request, Scowcroft issued National Security Study Memorandum 235 (Document 23) on January 15, 1976, asking the Central Intelligence Agency and the Departments of State and Defense to review American interests and security objectives in the Asia-Pacific region in light of the military base negotiations with the Philippines. The NSC Interdepartmental Group for East Asia prepared a paper in response to NSSM 235; Part I of the NSSM 235 paper is ibid., H–17, Institutional Files, Meetings (IFM), SRG Meeting, NSSM 235, June 4, 1976 (1); Part II is ibid., Box H–39, NSSMs, NSSM 235 (1 of 2). Part I dealt mostly with American interests and objectives in the Asia-Pacific area, whereas Part II considered American bases and interests in the Philippines. A Senior Review Group meeting on June 4, 1976 considered Part I of the NSSM 235 paper, generally ignoring those parts of the paper that specifically discussed the Philippines. (Ford Library, NSC Institutional Files [H-Files], Box H–24, Meeting Minutes, SRG, Originals, June 1976) Scowcroft sent out a revised version of Part I of the NSSM 235 paper on November 5, 1976. (Ibid., Box H–39, NSSMs, NSSM 235 [1 of 2], Folder 1) The NSC staff considered Part II to be overtaken by events and nothing further was done with it.
On September 2, 1975, Thomas Barnes of the National Security Council (NSC) Staff sent a memorandum to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger suggesting a review of U.S. policy toward military bases in the Philippines in anticipation of future negotiations with the Philippine government. On the first page of Barnes’ memorandum, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Brent Scowcroft wrote, “HAK wants the review in terms of our entire Pacific posture and interests—not just SEA.” (Ford Library, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H-40, NSSM 235, U.S. Interests and Objectives in the Asia-Pacific Region [2 of 2] [11]) In response to Kissinger’s request, Scowcroft issued National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 235 [printed in FRUS, 1973-1976, E–12, regional chapter] on January 15, 1976, asking the Central Intelligence Agency and the Departments of State and Defense to review American interests and security objectives in the Asia-Pacific region in light of the military base negotiations with the Philippines. The NSC Interdepartmental Group for East Asia prepared a paper in response to NSSM 235; Part I of the NSSM 235 paper is ibid., H-17, Institutional Files, Meetings (IFM), SRG Meeting, NSSM 235, June 4, 1976 (1); Part II is ibid., Box H-39, NSSMs, NSSM 235 (1 of 2). Part I dealt mostly with American interests and objectives in the Asia-Pacific area, whereas Part II considered American bases and interests in the Philippines. A Senior Review Group meeting on June 4, 1976 considered Part I of the NSSM 235 paper, generally ignoring those parts of the paper that specifically discussed the Philippines. (Ford Library, NSC Institutional Files [H-Files], Box H-24, Meeting Minutes, SRG, Originals, June 1976) Scowcroft sent out a revised version of Part I of the NSSM 235 paper on November 5, 1976. (Ibid., Box H-39, NSSMs, NSSM 235 [1 of 2], Folder 1) The NSC staff considered Part II to be overtaken by events and nothing further was done with it.