141. Telegram 4647 From the Embassy in Chile to the Department of State1
4647. Subject: W/W: Amcits in Chile: Teruggi and Horman. Reference: Santiago 4638.
1. At lunch today with Ambassador Designate Heitmann I raised Teruggi and Horman cases, pointing out public relations implications of any continuance of the present situation where circumstances of their disappearance remain unexplained. I went over all the facts and reports that have come to our attention in each case. Heitmann said he would interest himself in this matter immediately and see if he could get full information on both cases as soon as possible.
2. Comment: It now appears that body in the morgue is not rpt not Teruggi. We shall be sending a separate telegram on this as soon as it can be prepared.
Summary: Ambassador Davis reported that he had advised Ambassador Designate Heitman of the “public relations implications” of the unexplained disappearances of Charles Horman and Frank Teruggi.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, [no film number]. Confidential; Immediate. In telegram 4594 from Santiago, September 27, Davis reported on the Embassy’s efforts to account for various U.S. citizens in Chile, in particular, Horman and Teruggi. In the latter case, U.S. officials were investigating discrepancies regarding a body discovered at a local morgue and presumed at the time to be Teruggi. Davis also noted: “I raised Teruggi and Horman cases with Foreign Minister Huerta yesterday, urging maximum GOC efforts to locate Horman, positively identify Teruggi and ascertain full facts if he was in fact the deceased reported in the morgue.” (Ibid.) The Embassy also reported separately that the body found in the morgue was not Teruggi. (Telegram 4665 from Santiago, September 27; ibid.)