421. Telegram 95858 From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Dominican Republic1
95858. Exdis for Ambassador Hurwitch. Following telegram from SecState Wash DC dated [April] 20, 1976 sent Port-au-Prince is repeated to you: Quote. Exdis for the Ambassador. Subject: Anti-GOH Plotting. Reference: State 47701 and previous.
1. We are providing additional information on possible coup attempt (reftel) in separate telegram.
2. We recommend that you again seek to alert Duvalier to this situation. In order to protect source, you may pass the gist of the report to the President but you may not rpt not give any details of names or locations. More specifically, the President can be told: —that the plot previously described to him is still under way; that it may take place fairly soon; that several hundred men are involved in Haiti; and that the assassination attempt would be carried out at one of several sites habitually frequented by the President.
3. We are deeply concerned about continued USG involvement in this matter. We certainly do not want to be in effect party to coup attempt by failing to warn Duvalier. But our information could also serve to incriminate innocent parties if it proved less than fully accurate. And there is also the question of whether the USG should act to save what is in many ways still among the most reactionary regimes in the hemisphere. Would appreciate your evaluation, comments and recommendations. Robinson. Unquote.
Summary: Citing information that indicated a coup attempt would take place in the near future, the Department recommended a new warning to Duvalier.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D760152–1205. Secret; Stadis; Exdis. Drafted by Yohn, cleared by Heavner, and approved by Luers. All brackets are in the original. The April 20 telegram of the same number from the Department to Port-au-Prince was not found. In telegram 47701 to Port-au-Prince, February 27, the Department had reported on details of the coup plot allegedly being formulated by anti-Duvalier figure Alphonse Lahens and other Haitian exiles. (Ibid., D760073–1179) In telegram 95859 to Port-au-Prince, April 20, the Department transmitted a report indicating that a group of commandos within Haiti was prepared to make an assassination attempt against Duvalier. (Ibid., D760152–0623)