358. Telegram 5441 From the Embassy in the Dominican Republic to the Department of State1
5441. Subj: Dominican Reactions to U.S. Presidential Election.
1. Following U.S. elections with intense interest, Dominicans reacted to outcome predominantly with fulsome admiration for manner in which elections were conducted and interpretation that results showed desire of Americans for change. Besides these major themes, editorials of past few days expressed hope that change would bring greater U.S. concern for Latin American problems and that U.S. would avoid intervention in affairs of other countries.
2. Dominicans of all persuasions were profoundly impressed by election process, made vivid for them by all night election watch sponsored by USIS at one of larger Santo Domingo hotels. An estimated 2000 Dominicans and Americans visited the center in the course of the evening. In comments to EmbOffs, Dominicans lauded the elections as an impressive example to the world of the workings of a real democracy.
3. In only public statement of govt official thus far, Foreign Undersecretary Licelott Marte de Barrios told press that Carter’s victory would not change relations between the U.S. and the Dominican Republic, and that cooperation and exchanges would continue. Pena Gomez, Secretary General of opposition Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (PRD) jubilantly stated that party had many friends in Carter Camp and that he foresaw a more congenial relationship of the party with a Democratic administration. Ultima Hora reported, in an amusing sidelight, that acerbic ex-President Juan Bosch, after declaring publicly that it didn’t matter which candidate won, hovered over the teletype machines at a newspaper office following the details of the elections.
4. Most outspoken comments on Carter victory came from moderate leftist opposition figures who saw in it message they hoped would be conveyed to President Balaguer and Dominican people that [Page 929] an administration can be voted out and a new one take power in a peaceful and orderly way if elections are open and honest.
Summary: The Embassy reported on the Dominican reaction to the outcome of the U.S. elections, noting that admiration was expressed for the manner in which the elections were conducted.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D760416–0461. Limited Official Use.