303. National Security Decision Memorandum 3051
- The Secretary of the Treasury
- The Secretary of Defense
- The Secretary of Agriculture
- The Secretary of Commerce
- The Deputy Secretary of State
- The Administrator, Agency for International Development
- Termination of U.S. Restrictions on Third Countries Trading with Cuba
Following the meeting of the Organ of Consultation of the Organization of American States in San Jose which terminated mandatory prohibitions against trade and other contacts with Cuba, the President reviewed U.S. legislation and regulations relating to other countries’ contacts with Cuba. He has decided that, in view of the OAS action, the U.S. should take such actions as are necessary to terminate its restrictions on third countries which trade with Cuba. The steps should include the licensing of subsidiaries abroad of U.S. companies to trade with Cuba when it is the policy of the local government to do so and when the goods involved are non-strategic and do not contain a substantial proportion of component parts manufactured in the U.S.; relief from legislation requiring termination of assistance or provision of P.L. 480 Title I programs to countries permitting their ships or planes to engage in trade with Cuba; and modification of regulations prohibiting bunkering in U.S. ports of ships engaged in Cuba trade.
The Under Secretaries Committee should be responsible for coordination of the implementation of this NSDM. When appropriate, it should make clear that the actions taken are in conjunction with the OAS Resolution rather than our bilateral policies towards Cuba. All actions taken by the Under Secretaries Committee under this NSDM should be reported to the President through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
Summary: This memorandum informed administration officials of a Presidential decision to terminate U.S. restrictions on third countries that traded with Cuba.
Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser, NSDM and NSSM, 1974–1977, Box 1, NSDM 305—Termination of U.S. Restrictions on Third Country Trade with Cuba. Confidential. Copies sent to the Director of Central Intelligence, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Chairman of the Under Secretaries Committee.