228. Telegram 125446 From the Department of State to the Embassies in Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Costa Rica1

125446. Subject: Fraser Human Rights Hearings on Central America.

1. Department has been advised informally that Cong. Fraser’s (D.–MN) International Organizations Subcommittee of House International Relations Committee has scheduled hearings on human rights situation in Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador for June 8–9. Department will be asked to testify June 9. Cong. Ed. Koch (D–NY), who has become actively interested in human rights field, will participate in hearings although he is not rpt not a member of Fraser’s subcommittee. [Page 627] He is member of House Appropriations Committee. Koch has sent Department numerous inquiries on human rights situation and aid programs in Central America, and has published some of this correspondence in Congressional Record.

2. Both Fraser and Koch have been stimulated by Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), a small but active local coalition of liberal U.S. religious and academic groups concerned with Latin America and problems of inter-American relations. They receive church funding and are frequently critical of U.S. policies, although highly supportive on the Panama Canal issue. Bill Brown of WOLA has already visited Central America to invite witnesses. He will be making a quick visit to Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica May 24–26. Fraser, Koch and WOLA hope to have the following three witnesses June 8: Pedro Joaquin Chamorro from Nicaragua; Rene de Leon Schlotter from Guatemala; and Favio Castillo of El Salvador (currently in San Jose). It is possible hearings may prompt Congressional opposition to military and economic aid to countries involved. Koch has already called for full aid cut-off to Nicaragua because of “political repression.”

  1. Summary: The Department reported that it had been advised informally that Congressman Fraser planned to schedule hearings on the human rights situation in Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

    Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D760198–0612. Limited Official Use; Priority. Drafted by George Lister in ARA/LA, cleared by Weissman, and approved by Ryan. Repeated Priority to Managua, Guatemala City, San Salvador, and San José. In telegram 3990 from Guatemala City, May 28, the Embassy reported that William Brown of the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) had visited the Embassy on January 20, “observing at the beginning of conversation that he did not expect to learn anything in talking to Embassies but was visiting them at strong urging of ARA/PAF. Conversation primarily concerned situation in Latin America as a whole, as Brown, noting he had other sources, did not seek information on Guatemala.” (Ibid., D760207–1020)