225. Telegram 2304 From the Embassy in Guatemala to the Department of State1
2304. For Assistant Secretary Rogers only from Ambassador. Noforn. [1 line not declassified] Subject: Démarche on Possible GOG Assassination Plans. Ref: Guatemala 2009, (B) [cable number not declassified], (C) [cable number not declassified].
1. [less than 1 line not declassified] concerned by the spate of killings that occurred for a time in the weeks immediately following the February 4 earthquake, but we do not believe that there is a plan approved at high level for selected assassination of political enemies of the present government.
2. I raised the matter with President Laugerud on the morning of March 22 when I called on him. Referring to the press reports of these deaths, I stressed the strong concern of the U.S. Government and of the American people for respect for human rights and our abhorrence of political assassination.
3. The President acknowledged that in the days immediately after the earthquake a number of bodies had appeared showing signs of torture and execution as reported in the press. He said he felt that extremist elements had taken advantage of the confusion existing in the country in the immediate post-earthquake period to carry out these killings. In fact the appearance of these bodies had led to rumors that the “squadron of death” had been re-established and that the deaths might have been carried out with the approval or the complicity of the government. The President said he wished to assure me and to assure the U.S. Government that this was not so.
[Page 617]4. Laugerud pointed out that in the early days of his administration he had broken up and dispersed throughout the country elements of the security forces who were suspected of complicity in the previous activities of the “squadron of death” and that these activities had ceased. The President said he has no intention of permitting the resumption of these activities. He noted there had been no reports of deaths of this type in recent weeks. He is planning to call in the Minister of Government, General Vassaux, as soon as the Minister has recovered from a recent operation to talk to the Minister about the deaths that occurred in the post-earthquake period. It is his intention to direct the Minister to carry out a careful investigation with the intention of rooting out any elements in the security forces who may have been tempted to revert to “squadron of death” tactics.
5. The President asked me to assure my government that it is his intention to respect and protect the human rights of all Guatemalans. Although he will not treat with the Communists it is his policy to be open and accessible to all elements of the democratic political spectrum. This policy is not always understood in Guatemala where it is a departure from past tradition. It is difficult to persuade the Guatemalans to settle their differences by negotiation rather than by violence but the President is determined to carry out this policy.
Summary: Ambassador Meloy discussed reports of political assassination with President Laugerud, who replied that he would direct the Minister of Government to investigate and root out any elements in the security forces involved in death squad tactics.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D760108–0626. Secret; Immediate; Exdis. All brackets appear in the original except those indicating text that remains classified. Telegram 2009 from Guatemala City is Document 224. References (B) and (C) were not found. Telegram 62030 to Guatemala City, is dated March 13. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D760095–1073) In telegram 2498 from Guatemala City, March 30, the Embassy reported on the attempted assassination of former Guatemala City Mayor Manuel Colóm Argueta. (Ibid., D760119–0832) In telegram 2550 from Guatemala City, March 31, the Embassy reported that former President Carlos Arana Osorio and MLN leader Mario Sandoval Alarcón were rumored to be prime suspects in the assassination attempt. (Ibid., D760123–0821) In telegram 2596 from Guatemala City, April 1, the Embassy reported further developments in the case, and concluded that it was unclear if the Guatemalan Government was “attempting to coverup a bungled assassination attempt” or if Colóm had staged “a fake assassination attempt to expose and lessen the effectiveness of the GOG’s surveillance of his movements.” (Ibid., D760124–0188)