501. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon1 2

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  • Secretary Stans’ Report on his Trip to Nicaragua

Attached at Tab B is a report from Secretary Stans on his trip to Nicaragua, December 8–10. You will recall that President Somoza had requested a visit of this nature during his visit to Washington for the State Dinner honoring Heads of State attending the UN General Assembly.

Secretary Stans’ trip was extremely successful, serving to reinforce our friendly relations with Nicaragua and reassure President Somoza of our interest in his country and in Central America. During the visit President Somoza made the following requests or observations:

  • —That the US raise Nicaragua’s sugar quota;
  • —That the US exert its influence to resolve some of the differences between countries in the Central American Common Market;
  • —That the US continue its military assistance to Nicaragua, especially in the fields of equipment and schooling;
  • —That in the future AID projects show a closer identification with his own development objectives which emphasize agricultural diversification;
  • —That Nicaragua is a promising area for US private investment in the fields of protein production development (i.e. cattle and fish), lumbering, and mineral exploration.

Secretary Stans reports that he has already taken steps to respond to Somoza’s problems or requests insofar as they fall within his [Page 2] area of responsibility and has undertaken coordination with other agencies in some instances where this is required.

Attached at Tab A is a letter from you to Secretary Stans thanking him for his report and commending him on the success of his mission to Nicaragua.


That you sign the letter to Secretary Stans at Tab A. The letter has been cleared with Pat Buchanan.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 790, Country Files, Latin America, Nicaragua, Vol. I (1969–1974). Confidential. Sent for action. Attached but not published are Tabs A and B. Tab A was a January 30 letter of appreciation to Secretary Stans, which Nixon signed, and Tab B was Secretary’s Stans’ December 18, 1970, report on his visit to Nicaragua.
  2. Kissinger forwarded a report from Secretary of Commerce Stans on his December 8–10, 1970, visit to Nicaragua. Kissinger’s memorandum lists requests made by President Somoza.