490. Telegram 272 From the Embassy in Nicaragua to the Department of State1 2
- Nicaraguan Counter-Insurgency Campaign
- USCINCSO Msg 171500Z Feb 70
1. President Somoza asked me today to arrange for delivery asap of four MAP OH6A helicopters for support role in current counter-guerrilla sweep in remote western part of Zelaya department. These helicopters have been programmed for delivery in June, but he stresses there is urgent operational need for them now.
2. Somoza told me GON has known for some time of existence of guerrillas in area to east of Matagalpa, and that he has concluded it is important to defeat them now before they can become a serious threat to his country’s security.
3. On basis of President Somoza’s urgent request, and in light of status of counter-guerrilla sweep which is being supported to large extent by FAN helicopter capability (status of sweep being reported in septel), I strongly recommend we do all that is feasible to speed delivery of these four helicopters.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL 23 NIC. Confidential; Immediate. It was repeated to USCINCSO and USCINCSO for POLAD. In telegram 1991 from Managua, November 5, 1969, the Embassy reported that the FSLN had increased its activities and that it had demonstrated that it was a continuing threat. (Ibid.)↩
- Ambassador Crockett reported that President Somoza urgently requested four helicopters for use in counter-guerrilla operations.↩