331. Central Intelligence Agency Information Cable TDCS 314/02581–701 2
- Guatemala
- 7 March 70
- Guatemalan SitRep as of 1300 hours, local time
- [text not declassified]
- [text not declassified]
1. The Director of the National Police received instructions from President Julio Cesar Mendez Montenegro to make arrangements with the judiciary to process the release of the prisoners presently consigned to the courts. This process is completed and the prisoners will be released at their places of detention. [text not declassified]
2. The National Police claim they do not have Leonel del Cid in their possession and their records indicate he was never arrested. The director of the National Police is making every effort to locate Del Cid and is planning to request news media to publicize the fact he was never arrested and to request Del Cid to declare his whereabouts. [Page 2] [text not declassified]
3. The “El Impractical” of 2 March reported Del Cid had attempted to set fire to a ballot box on 1 March but that he had escaped. The “Prensa Libre” of 3 March also reported that Del Cid had attempted the act but that he had been captured on 2 March. [text not declassified]
4. Alberto Fuentes Mohr, Foreign Minister, requested media publicity for the release of the prisoners sometime mid-afternoon 7 March. Fuentes said the prisoners will not be released to the Mexican Embassy, but probably to the Costa Rican Embassy. No reason was given for the change of Embassies, but it is probably because the Mexican Ambassador is in Mexico. [text not declassified]
5. Since the Director of National Police is responsible for this case, the prisoners will probably be released at their places of detention per para one above. [text not declassified]
6. [text not declassified]
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 785, Country Files, Latin America, Guatemala, Vol. I. Secret; No Foreign Dissem. In telegram 768 from Guatemala City, March 8, the Embassy reported that Holly had been released. The telegram is not published. (Ibid.)↩
- The Central Intelligence Agency reported that President Montenegro had ordered the Guatemalan National Police to release FAR prisoners.↩