29. National Security Decision Memorandum 831 2
- IA–ECOSOC—United States Position for the Fall Meetings of the Special Committee for Consultation and Negotiation
The President has reviewed your memorandum of August 31 and has made the following decisions on the issues you submitted therein for decision:
1. The President does not approve the recommendation to increase the level of the 1970 meat import program.
2. The President does not wish to make a decision on the textile items at this time. He asks that the Under Secretaries Committee review these recommendations after final passage of the trade bill. He is prepared to receive further recommendations at that time.
3. a. The President concurs in the recommendations by the agencies to include the Option I list in the preference scheme.
b. He approves inclusion of the Option II list in the preference scheme.
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Subject Files, Box 363, National Security Decision Memoranda, Nos. 51–96. Confidential. Copies were sent to the Secretaries of State, the Treasury, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, and Labor; the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, the Administrator of the Agency for International Development, and the Special Trade Representative. The Under Secretaries Committee August 31 memorandum is published as Document 28.↩
- The President decided not to increase the level of the 1970 meat import program, demurred on changes to the level of textile imports, but concurred with the recommendation to include the Options I and II lists in the trade preference scheme.↩