277. Telegram 43343 From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Dominican Republic1 2
March 25, 1970, 0525Z
- Kidnapping U.S. Air Attache
- SD–696
1. We share your deep concern and believe that point has now repeat now been reached warranting your personal vigorous effort to persuade Balaguer to release prisoners and take effective steps to obtain safe return of Col. Crowley.
2. Accordingly, you are instructed to do so ASAP.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL 23–8 DOM REP. Secret; Limdis; Flash. Drafted by Hurwitch and approved by Nelson Ledsky (S/S). For telegram 696 from Santo Domingo, see Document 276. On March 25, the Ambassador reported in Telegram 700 from Santo Domingo that he had gotten President Balaguer out of bed to ascertain “the intentions of the GODR and what steps had been taken to secure Col. Crowley’s safety and eventual release.” (Ibid.)↩
- The Department of State concurred with Ambassador Meloy’s concerns and instructed him to take “personal vigorous effort to persuade Balaguer to release prisoners and take effective steps to obtain safe return of Col. Crowley.”↩