272. Telegram 4140 From the Embassy in the Dominican Republic to the Department of State1 2

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  • Dominican National Police “Department of Special Operation”

For Assistant Secretary Meyer and Deputy Assistant Secretary Crimmins.

1. For October 21 meeting which I understand you will be having [text not declassified] concerning future handling and support of National Police Department of Special Operations (DSO) I want you to have benefit beforehand of my views and the conclusions which I have tentatively reached after discussions here [text not declassified] DCM and AID mission director.

2. [text not declassified] has made of DSO a truly elite unit which plays role I consider crucial to GODR internal security. [text not declassified] I am reluctantly prepared to accept this position in view of vulnerability continued connection of this nature. I can however concur in proposed action only rpt only on basis some other form of continuing USG support for DSO in manner reasonable likely to maintain its integrity and present capability.

3. After weighing alternatives, all of which have certain disadvantages, I believe responsibility for financial and other support of DSO should be transferred to AID as part of latter’s existing public safety program with effective date of June 30, 1970.

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4. In terms of personnel this would necessarily entail reduction [text not declassified] by at least one position now occupied by officer working full time on DSO and corresponding increase by one position of post-OPRED strength of USAID public safety program staff. I also consider it very important there be one month overlap between two individuals involved.

5. In terms of funding I recognize there may be special problems for AID but trust that important security objectives and priorities here involved will encourage maximum flexibility and ingenuity in working out required procedures. I do not, however, rule out possibility that resort to [text not declassified] assistance may rpt may be necessary at some time in future, [text not declassified]

6. [text not declassified]

7. Request I be kept currently informed of decisions taken.

  1. Source: Department of State, INR/IL Historical Files, Santo Domingo, 1963–79. Secret; Priority; Roger Channel.
  2. Ambassador Meloy relayed his agreement to shift training and funding responsibilities for the Dominican National Police Department of Special Operations to AID’s Public Safety Program.