76. Memorandum from Director of Central Intelligence Bush to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Scowcroft)1
- Saudi Decision to Oppose any Form of American Military Base on the Arabian Peninsula or in the Gulf
1. During a meeting on 11 December 1976 [3 lines not declassified], the latter provided the following information which he indicated he was doing voluntarily, [2 lines not declassified].
2. During [less than 1 line not declassified] to Aden, People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY), [2 lines not declassified], PDRY Chairman of the Presidential Council, Salim Rubay’i Ali gave him a personal message [less than 1 line not declassified]. This message said, “Sultan Qabus bin Sa’id al bu Sa’id of Oman is considering granting base rights on Masirah Island to the United States. I (Salim Rubay’i Ali) am told that Sultan Qabus believes that he cannot say ‘No’ to the United States because of a promise he made to President Gerald Ford. You (Saudis) should know that I am still under heavy pressure from the Soviets for base facilities at Aden. If Sultan Qabus goes ahead with the Americans, then I am going to find it extremely difficult to withstand this Soviet pressure. What’s your advice?”
3. [less than 1 line not declassified] delivered [name not declassified] reply to Salim Rubay’i Ali which is as follows: “Saudi Arabia will oppose any form of American military base on the Arabian Peninsula or in the Gulf, and PDRY should do the same with respect to Soviet military facilities.” [name not declassified] then said that [name not declassified] had told him privately, “We are going to oppose the continued presence of the American Navy at Bahrain; how can we approve, therefore, of their presence on Masirah Island?”
4. This memorandum is being forwarded to the Secretary of State and Assistant Secretary Atherton. No other dissemination is being made.
Summary: Bush indicated to Scowcroft that the Saudi leadership opposed the retention of MIDEASTFOR.
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Executive Registry Files, Job 79M00467A, Box 24, Folder 458. Secret; [handling restriction not declassified]. Knoche signed for Bush. According to the distribution sheet, the memorandum was hand-carried to Kissinger, Scowcroft, and Atherton.