66. Memorandum From the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (Jordan) to the Deputy Secretary of Defense (Clements)1
- Proposed Reply to Moroccan Foreign Minister—ACTION MEMORANDUM
(S) During Monday’s meeting, Foreign Minister Benhima asked that we let him know by this evening our decision on the King’s request for an impact shipment of M–60 tanks, air-to-air, ground-to-air and tank missiles (Memcon at Tab A).
M–60 Tanks. The King has apparently agreed to our offer of 54 M–48A1s, and they are being prepared for delivery.
Recommendation: In view of Benhima’s strong recommendation against accepting alternatives to the M–60s, we plan to tell him that our decision on tanks will be communicated separately.
SIDEWINDERs. AIM–9Bs could be made available within 90 days ($2850 each). The more advanced AIM–9Es and AIM–9Js have much longer lead-times and would necessitate modification of Morocco’s 20 F–5As.
Recommendation: Agree to provide 180 AIM–9Bs within 90 days.
REDEYE. This system is too sensitive because of its possible easy use by terrorists’ groups and has not been provided outside of Europe.
Recommendation: That we not provide the REDEYE.
CHAPARRAL. The system has a 24-month lead-time, or would have to be diverted from active Army assets. We diverted 12 systems to Israel in January–February. Israel wanted four more and was refused.
Recommendation: That we agree to provide CHAPPARRAL systems with 24-month lead-time.
TOW. Lead-time is 24 months and would require diversion from Israel or active Army assets. SecDef indicated to Benhima difficulties we would probably have with this and suggested LAW as a substitute.
Recommendation: That we not provide the TOW.
[Page 176]LAW. Normal 24-month lead-time but up to 200 could be diverted within 90 days from Reserve assets without serious impact. An additional 500 could be made available in 6 months. Total cost about $50–60,000.
Recommendation: Agree to provide 200 LAWs within 90 days and 500 in 6 months.
(S) Release of the CHAPARRAL and SIDEWINDER would necessitate a waiver by you or SecDef of our disclosure policy.
Summary: Jordan provided Clements with recommended replies to Morocco’s military requests, following an April 15 meeting between Schlesinger and Benhima.
Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files: FRC 330–780011, Box 68, Morocco 1974. Secret. Prepared by George Bader, Director for the Africa Region OASD/ISA. Clements approved the recommendations on April 18. Handwritten notations by Clements on the memorandum read: “State running parallel action on this same position,” and “Will be coord. prior Xmittal.”