55. Telegram 219041 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Egypt1
219041. For Ambassador from Secretary. Subject: Message to Fahmy on Libya. Ref: Cairo 11854. Please pass the following message from me to Fahmy.
Begin text: Dear Ismael:
Herman has conveyed to me your question about the US stance regarding Egypt and Libya. I want you to know that you and President Sadat have our fullest support, both public and diplomatic, in this situation. Please keep in touch with us and let us know what you think we should do to be helpful.
I send you and the President my warmest regards, and I look forward to seeing you on my return from the trip on which I am about to embark.
Warm regards, Henry A. Kissinger.
Summary: Kissinger offered U.S. support to Sadat in response to deteriorating relations between Egypt and Libya.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy Files, D760335–0357. Secret; Immediate; Exdis. In telegram 11946 from Cairo, September 4, Eilts summarized a discussion with Fahmy regarding Egyptian plans to remove Qadhafi from power. (Ford Library, National Security Adviser, Presidential Country Files for the Middle East and South Asia, Egypt, State Department Telegrams, To SecState—Nodis (49))