5. Telegram 152114 From the Department of State to the Interests Section in Algeria1
152114. Subject: Message for President Boumediene. Ref: Algiers 1410. For Chargé from the Secretary. Deliver to Chargé at opening of business Saturday, July 13.
1. Please pass following oral message from me to President Boumediene.
2. Begin Message.
Secretary Kissinger has been considering question of assigning a new head of the U.S. Interests Section in Algiers. In this connection, he recalls President Boumediene’s comment during Mr. Eagleton’s farewell call that there would be no need to name a replacement for Mr. Eagleton since Ambassadors would soon be exchanged. At the same time, the Secretary is reluctant to have a long period pass without a senior American representative in Algiers in view of the importance he attaches to U.S.-Algerian relations and to his personal relationship with the President. The Secretary is therefore considering nominating an American representative of Ambassadorial rank as head of the Interests Section, with the thought that he could then be named as our Ambassador in Algiers at such time as diplomatic relations are restored. Before taking any action in this regard, the Secretary would appreciate knowing whether this would be agreeable to President Boumediene. End message.
Summary: Kissinger instructed Eagleton to deliver a message to Boumediene suggesting the appointment of an American representative of ambassadorial rank to head the Interests Section until diplomatic relations were restored.
Source: Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Kissinger Papers, Box CL 101, Geopolitical File, Algeria, July–September 1974. Secret; Niact Immediate; Nodis; Stadis. Drafted by Atherton in NEA; cleared by Director General Nathaniel Davis and Gammon; and approved by Kissinger. The original is presumably dated incorrectly, and was likely sent on July 12.