39. Backchannel Message 176 From the Ambassador to Egypt (Eilts) to Secretary of State Kissinger1
1. In my meeting May 2 with Fahmy, he mentioned current Egyptian-Libyan tensions. Egypt has decided, he said, that Qadhaafi must go. Some way must be found to get rid of him. Could the USG, through CIA, not do something about this, either directly or together with Egypt. He professed to know that CIA has in past been involved in such operations and made strong pitch that it would be in our mutual interest to find a way to remove Qadhaafi. I firmly discouraged any suggestion of USG involvement in whatever GOE might have in mind. Fahmy grumbled, but commented GOE would find ways of handling the matter itself.
Summary: Eilts reported on a discussion with Deputy Prime Minister Ismail Fahmy in which Fahmy stated that Egypt was looking for a way to remove Qadhafi from power. He requested U.S. assistance, either directly or in collaboration with Egypt, to “get rid of him,” but Eilts discouraged it.
Source: Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Kissinger Papers, Box TS 25, Geopolitical File, Egypt Chronological File, January 11, 1975–November 1, 1976. Top Secret; Sensitive; Immediate; Eyes Only.