330. Telegram 4515 From the Embassy in Afghanistan to the Department of State1 2


  • Conte Amendment


  • State 146191
In call on Farhadi, Director General Political Affairs in Fon Off, Aug 30 I told him I was under instructions raise purchase SU-7s in light Conte Amendment. I reviewed legislative history and gave him copy of relevant protions of Foreign Assistance Act. I particularly drew his attention to language that “the President is directed...” and explained to him that executive branch of USG had no rpt no alternative but to investigate thoroughly purchase of sophisticated equipment by country to which US extending aid.
I then explained that to determine applicability of Conte Amendment we needed information on date of firm arragenements for SU-7s and financial details (para 5 reftel).
Farhadi said he would be in touch with us soon on my approach.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, DEF 19–6 USSR–AFG. Secret. Repeated to DIA.
  2. Ambassador Neumann reported that, as instructed, he had met with Afghani Deputy Foreign Minister Farhadi and raised the issue of the purchase of the SU–7s and the possible impact on U.S economic assistance to Afghanistan. Neumann asked for details concerning the purchase.