202. Telegram 364 From the Embassy in Pakistan to the Department of State1 2


  • Meeting With President Bhutto Jan. 1972


  • Islamabad 363
During my meeting with President Bhutto at the President’s house at 2100 hours local Jan. 11, among other subjects discussed in reftel, Bhutto’s views concerning Mujibur Rahman’s statement upon the latter’s arrival in Dacca were solicited.
Turning to Mujibur Rahman’s public declaration that there would be no ties with the West, I made inquiry concerning what steps GOP would now take. Bhutto answered inconclusively but did say that he was a pragmatist and that his course of action would be built on realities of the situation. He went on to add that, contrary to Mujibur Rahman’s public statement, he, the Sheikh, had made qte some promises unqte before his departure for London, promises made in an outburst of tears: qte he was almost hysterical unqte during which episode qte he not only embraced me but threw his head onto my lap and wept. Unqte Bhutto added that the coda in this affair had yet to be written, recalling that it was the Bengalis who had spearheaded the formation of Pakistan because of the repression of the Muslim by the Hindu. He concluded by saying qte when the people of East Pakistan are again controlled by India, the passage of time could bring about substantial changes in their thinking. unqte
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL PAK–US. Secret; Nodis.
  2. Ambassador Farland reported that Pakistani President Bhutto had reacted skeptically to Mujibur Rahman’s statement that there would be no ties between Bangladesh and West Pakistan.