133. Telegram 29622 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Ethiopia and the Consulate in Asmara1 2
Washington, February 9, 1975, 2210Z
- American Presence in Asmara
- A) Asmara 176;
- B) Addis 1561;
- C) Addis 1550;
- D) State 029370;
- E) State 26802
Joint State/Defense Message
- 1.
- All agencies concerned fully appreciate problem faced by USG personnel in Asmara and are concerned for their safety. We have given careful consideration to ConGen and Embassy views reftels and will be reviewing subject on a continuing basis.
- 2.
- We have determined that at this time it is in overall US interest
to maintain a presence at Kagnew station. Immediate USG objectives are to:
- A.
- Limit the danger to American lives while continuing essential operations.
- B.
- Prepare for further contingencies without taking any irreversible actions.
- C.
- Obtain fuller information needed to assess probable duration of this danger, particularly whether it may be lessened by various current initiatives toward a cease-fire.
- 3.
- Following specific actions have therefore been decided upon:
- A)
- Action being considered to further reduce Stonehouse personnel. NAVCOMMUNIT will continue to discharge current operational mission with existing personnel. Agree no reduction ConGen personnel.
- B)
- DOD and State are taking action to ensure continued secure two-way communications for ConGen Asmara. Separate message will give specifics.
- C)
- Embassy and ConGen should again approach appropriate PMG authorities to seek more effective protection for American personnel and property at Asmara.
- D)
- Embassy should reiterate to PMG assurances that any additional withdrawals are for safety of US personnel and such actions will have no effect on security assistance program.
- E)
- Any cooperation with Ethiopian authorities in Asmara should be conducted in manner minimizing provocation cited para 2 ref C.
- F)
- Continuing assessments are also desired from all elements, including MAAG personnel in Asmara, re duration present danger to Americans (para 2 C above) and feasibility and risk of operating US military aircraft through Asmara airfield if there should be any need to implement contingency plans.
- Source: National Archives, RG 84, Addis Ababa Embassy Files: Lot 77 F 121, Subject Files, Kagnew Station. Secret; Niact Immediate; Exdis. Repeated Immediate to SECDEF, CJCS, CNO, CINCUSNAVEUR, CINCEUR, DIRNSA, COMIDEASTFOR, COMNAVTEL, and NAVCOMMSTA.↩
- The Department reported that all agencies concerned had decided to maintain a presence at Kagnew Station for the time being. It also provided immediate U.S. objectives.↩