124. Telegram 281377 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Ethiopia1 2
Washington, December 24, 1974, 2226Z
- Sisco-Kifle Meeting on US-Ethiopian Relations
- 1.
- Sisco called in Ambassador Kifle on December 23 to discuss current status of US relations with Ethiopia. At outset, Sisco congratulated Kifle on his appointment as FonMin and expressed pleasure in having someone in that position who knew and understood the United States and was aware of our friendly attitude towards Ethiopia.
- 2.
- Referring to December 20 policy pronouncement of Ethiopian regime, Sisco inquired what effect, if any, this might have on Ethiopia’s external relations. Kifle replied that although he had not yet received official Amharic text of statement, he doubted it was as drastic as some reports indicated. In particular, he saw little change in Ethiopia’s policy in the international field.
- 3.
- Sisco then recalled US and Ethiopia had long enjoyed friendly relations and stated that it was US policy to continue these friendly relations as mutually benefical and in our mutual interests. He agreed fully with what Kifle had earlier told AsstSecy Easum (State 274799) that Ethiopia and US should look to their permanent interests as the paramount factor guiding their relationship. Sisco assured Kifle that we will continue to approach our overall relations with Ethiopia on the basis of our mutual interests. He stressed importance of Kifle’s conveying this basic US attitude to his government.
- 4.
- Kifle said he would be pleased to do so, adding that [Page 2] he had never doubted US was proceeding otherwise. There would be no misunderstanding re the guiding principles of US policies toward Ethiopia as far as his government was concerned. In fact, he had been very favorably impressed with the way USG had proceeded, in spite of obvious great difficulties, in cautious, prudent, professional way without losing sight of long-range objectives and acting in no way inconsistent with past policy.
- 5.
- Sisco then informed Kifle that he had talked with Pentagon officials, who were prepared to continue with Kifle or other representatives of the Ethiopian Embassy. The discussions on military assistance which have been held over a period of time. Kifle expressed his appreciation and said he would like to resume these talks immediately following Christmas. Noting that our contacts in Addis are limited at this time, Sisco said that we did not have too clear a picture of GOE’s views, but he assumed that things will become clearer as the situation evolves. we were proceeding on the assumption, however, that unless goe indicates to the contrary, its policy towards us will also be based on traditional friendship and mutual interests as in the past.
- 6.
- Kifle confirmed that it was his understanding that GOE did want to maintain its traditional relationship with US. It was for this reason that he had been instructed to remain here to continue negotiations on military assistance. Situation in Ethiopia was very fluid, however, and things which look small to US could look big to new military regime. He stated that Ethiopia’s military requirements were not extravagant but were the minimum necessary to meet threat from Somalia. GOE is determined to provide proper defense against Somali threat. Kifle hoped, therefore, that USG would be understanding and do what it can under these circumstances to be helpful. It was important, Kifle stated, to avoid any signs which might be misread in Addis, and that nothing happen to disturb our relations perhaps through default.
- 7.
- Sisco reiterated that unless we receive positive indications to the contrary, we have no reason to believe that GOE wants anything but good relations [Page 3] with US. He assured Kifle that as long as GOE wants good relations USG will be positive in its outlook toward GOE.
- 8.
- Kifle indicated that he expected to return to Ethiopia in about two weeks. Sisco said he hoped to have further talk with him before he left.
- Source: National Archives, RG 84, Addis Ababa Embassy Files, Lot 77 F 121, The Political Function. Secret; Immediate; Exdis. Repeated to Mogadiscio.↩
- The Department summarized a discussion between Assistant Secretary of State Sisco and Ehtiopian Ambassador Kifle, in which both indicated they wished to continue friendly U.S.-Ethiopian relations.↩