96. Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (Ross) to Armin H. Meyer of the Office of the Secretary1 2


  • Libyan Ambassador’s Involvement with Terrorism


  • Your Memorandum of November 28

I share your concern with the FBI report which indicates the Libyan Ambassador is connected with potential terrorist activities in the US. We believe Qadhafi was initially reluctant to support terrorism outside the Middle East, believing that Arabs should concentrate on guerilla activities aimed directly against Israel and the occupied territories. However, as you point out, there is growing evidence Qadhafi is willing to support terrorism outside the Middle East which, in his view, may have become a necessary if temporary expedient. As Embassy Tripoli has pointed out in a recent airgram (A–176 of 23 November, attached) Qadhafi’s approach towards terrorism in general has not been unambiguous.

Unfortunately, I am afraid there is nothing we can say now directly to the Libyan Ambassador about proper diplomatic conduct which would not possibly risk compromising the FBI report. We may, however, have occasion to talk with the Libyan Ambassador in the near future on another subject. If so, we may be able to make some general remarks deploring terrorism which is so often directed against innocent third parties.


Airgram A–176 From the Embassy in Libya to the Department of State

[Page 2]

DEPT PASS: Other Interested Posts


  • LARG Reservations About Terrorism

SUMMARY: The Tripoli daily newspaper, al-Faji al-Jadid, on November 14, 1972 featured a news report heavily larded with editorial content regarding terrorism. The substance of the reportage is that the LARG, while it must defend and justify terrorist operations mounted by Palestinians and their sympathizers, sees little benefit to the Arab Cause accruing as a result of those operations and would strongly prefer that Fedayeen operations be confined to Israel and the surrounding Arab countries. Al-Fajr may be regarded, in our view, as an authoritative mouthpiece for the Qadhafi regime. Lamentable, the paper gave no indication that the LARG is prepared to use its moral and financial influence with the Fedayeen to reflect its reservations about “unlimited terrorism.”

Al-Fajr Report

Under the headline, “Secret Decisions of the American Government against Arabs Residing in the United States,” Tripoli’s daily al-Fajr al-Jadid November 14, 1972 reported that the “huge wave of anti-Arab propaganda now sweeping Europe and the United States is directed in general against the Arab States and in particular against LAR.” Al-Fajr said that the release of their “comrade commandos” from “enemy prisons” by the Lufthansa hijackers and the fact that all the commandos sought asylum in LAR sparked this propaganda and the “violent, anti-Arab measures by governmental and semi-official authorities in Europe and the United States” directed against Arab students and [Page 3] laborers.

Al-Fajr reproduced part of an article published recently by the Washington Star and headlined, “Secret Memo of the State Department Restricts Arab Visits to the United States.” The Star reported that secret USG decisions “against the Arabs” were implemented beginning October 19. Al-Fajr also referred to the resolve of Secretary of State Rogers to “protect every Zionist in the United States, liquidate, all elements supporting the Arab Cause, confiscate all Arab publications concerning the Arab Cause and silence every voice supporting that Cause, particularly among Arab students in American Universities.” The US aims at making Arabs in America feel that everyone moving and speaking in favor of that Cause is subject to surveillance by American Intelligence, and at subduing and humiliating the national feelings of Arab students while bolstering Zionists feelings of pride that they enjoy American support of their State, the paper said.

Moreover, Al-Fajr charged, at the University of North Carolina “Arab students—including eight Libyans—were subject to ridiculous questions such as, ‘Why does Libya help the Commando Organizations? What do you know about these Organizations? Do you know any Palestinian student here? Do you promise not to talk about the Palestinian Problem? Do you have any circulars or pictures or statements regarding the Palestinian Cause?’”

LAR Position?

Al-Fajr in commenting on the above, asserted that the United States and Britain were “motivated by Zionist Intelligence to take advantage of what they call ‘Terrorism’, in order to justify the committing of more acts of aggression. “It is strange that they forgot that the Zionists were the first people to use terrorism through their terrorist bands of Irgun, Stern, and Hagana.” The paper asked, “What benefits accrue to the Arabs as a result of these acts of terrorism? Are the Arabs getting any benefits?” “Of course not. In fact, the Arabs are the only ones harmed by these terrorist operations.”

“In fact” Al-Fajr concludes the Arab States, particularly the LAR, bear with deep conviction their responsibility [Page 4] towards the just Cause of the Palestinian Arab People whose home has been usurped by Terrorism; their struggle to restore their homeland cannot be described as ‘acts of terrorism’. Based on that conviction, the LAR received the Munich commandos.

Comment: Al-Fajr’s editorializing reveals the quandry the LAR is facing on the issue of terrorism. On the one hand, Qadhafi disapproves of terrorist operations in foreign countries outside the “proper field of battle”—Israel and the surrounding Arab countries: Qadhafi believes that the fighting against Israel should be carried out by unified commando organizations on the basis of “the nationalization of Commando activities”. He sees acts of terrorism against Zionists in foreign countries as harmful to the Palestinian Cause because they provoke hostility against the Arabs and tend to increase disunity among the several Commando organizations. Moreover, the behavior of the LAR’s top leadership towards terrorists over the last several months tends to confirm RCC displeasure with their operations. Tripoli’s media made quite a point of the fact that the LARG did not itself ask for the return of the corpses of the commandoes killed in Munich. Rather, private Libyan citizens reportedly initiated and financed the arrangements for the funeral in Tripoli and no RCC member took part in the attendant ceremonies. Also, it was noteworthy that during the time the Lufthansa hijackers were in Tripoli, including the occasion of their press conference, no RCC members were on hand. Indeed, there was no public mention of any contacts between them or members of the RCC or the LARG.

On the other hand, foreigners’ suggestions that the LARG take steps to “punish or extradite” such terrorists—described locally as “Commando heroes”—excites the scorn of LARG spokesmen, e.g. Foreign Minister Kikhya’s statement at Damascus (reported by Beirut press November 2) to the effect that the LARG regards any request for extradition or trial of commandoes as “absurd and unreasonable…anyone believing that such is possible is silly”. Similarly, Qadhafi himself, most recently [Page 5] in his October 7 speech at Tripoli, went out of his way to praise the Japanese perpetrators of the Lod Airport massacre for having displayed the “true Fedayeen spirit”; he also claimed that the LARG is backing morally and financially “all the Fedayeen” (Tripoli 1615).

As is his wont, Qadhafi would like to have his cake and eat it too; he ipso facto abets Fedayeen terrorist activities with Libyan funds and defends their operations anywhere, even though he would prefer that a unified commando movement, in tandem with a progressive Arab bloc, confine its operations to occupied Palestine, including Israel. Unfortunately there is no indication in the Al-Fajr article that Qadhafi is considering the use of moral and financial influence to limit Fedayeen operations.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL 23–8 LIBYA. Secret.
  2. Ross acknowledged the links between Libyan leaders and terrorism, while passing along a report that noted Tripoli’s doubts over the benefits of terrorist tactics.