283. Telegram 1098 From the Mission to Geneva to the Department of State1 2

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  • Arrest of Iraqi Jews


  • Geneva 1048: B. State 049950: C. State 036204
European Director United HIAS Service Seidenma (protect) met UNHCR Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan today for purpose discussing problem of detained Jews in Iraq. Seidenman briefed MissOff on meeting principcal points of which as follows:
HCR confirmed to Seidenman that he had handed over to Iraq President the names of the Jews which had been conveyed to him by US Ambassador in Kathmandu (para 4 reftel C). In doing so he suggested to Iraqi authorities that time favorable for GOI action for benefit detainees citing fact that Guar had acted to liberate detained Jews and that Soviet Union currently being responsive respect Jews.
HCR reported that Iraqi authorities had listened attentively but gave no indication of any particular reaction. HCR suggested to Seidenman that only time will tell whether his intervention will produce beneficial results.
HCR expressed concern over handling by REPIR Baghdad [Page 2] of information concerning his visit to Baghdad and possible intervention behalf Jewish detainees. Upon arrival Baghdad HCR was approached by UNDP Rep (Sudanese national) who had been given full story (State 036204) over open telephone by REPIR Baghdad. Observing that all telephones in Iraq are probably tapped HCR remarked that his position in such matters stands to be compromised if it appears that he is operating in US interests rather than in his personal and private capacity or through UNHCR good offices. Comment: Mission fully appreciates HCR concern mentioned para 4 above which most regrettable. We have heard indirectly that he may call on Ambassador to discuss matter. This event assume Department would wish for Ambassador to express USG’s profound regret over ill-advised handling of information in Baghdad and assure him that utmost care will be exercised to avoid recurrence incident.
Apart comment above no indication as yet that HCR intends make official report on his visit to US or to UN SecGen.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, SOC 14 IRAQ. Confidential. Repeated to Kathmandu, Brussels, Dacca, and USUN.
  2. The mission relayed the outcome of the UN High Commissioner’s Baghdad discussions with Iraqi authorities about the arrests of Iraqi Jews.