229. Telegram 196855 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran1 2


  • Enhance Plus


  • A. State 196589.
  • B. Tehran 6346
We now conclude we urgently require up to 16 additional F–5A aircraft for Project Enhance Plus. Air Force estimates disassembling crews will be completing their work on Thursday, November 2, and we would like to be in position to keep them on in Iran to finish the job.
Accordingly Ambassador should see Shah as soon as possible and seek commitment for an additional up to 16 aircraft. (FYI: Exact number depends upon discussion now proceeding with GRC and we can inform you of this within the next 24 hours. You should not delay approach to Shah for this number. End FYI).
With respect to para 2A of ref B, and in addition to points you already authorized to make in ref A, you may state that we are able to advance slightly delivery date for F–4Es from July 73 to as early as May 73 if you feel [Page 2] this would be useful in dealing with Shah. This schedule premised on production of one aircraft each in April and in May for IIAF. Secondly, you may tell Shah that we would be prepared to credit presently leased 8 F–4E’s to total buy of F–4s for IIAF. However, you should note that present F–4E’s do not have wing slats and other improved characteristics which 1973 production line F–4E’s will have. We regret that at this time we are unable to work out your suggestion of crediting portion of value of transferred F–5A’s against Shah’s buy of F–4E’s.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, DEF 19–8 US-IRAN. Top Secret; Nodis; Cherokee. Drafted by Thomas R. Pickering (PM) and approved by Johnson, Defense, and Harry G. Barnes, Jr (S/S). Repeated to the Ambassador in Saigon.
  2. The Department urgently requested an additional 16 F–5A aircraft from Iran, offering concessions on other equipment in return.