130. Telegram 3128 From the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State1 2

Tehran press June 14 headlines press conference last evening held by Bahram Molla’i Daryani, described as former Iranian leftist student, in which he levels series of charges against US organizations, stating that plots against Iran by some Eastern European countries had been publicly exposed. Daryani is quoted as saying he wanted also to expose role of Western countries in fomenting trouble against Iran. Accordingly after extensive travels in US in sixties and also to Europe, including East Germany, he decided to return to Iran to tell all which he did at press conference June 13.
Daryani’s charges regarding US organizations seeking to undermine Iran include:
Several US agencies tried to recruit him to work with Confederation of Iranian Students (CIS) in the US.
CIS was “working” for us and enjoyed fullest possible freedom to stage anti-Iranian demonstrations while other American groups like American Communist Party were under close surveillance.
In 1967 FBI attempted recruit him and when he refused FBI arranged to have him expelled from country.
FBI aided and abetted anti-Iranian activities in US and played role in demonstrations against Shah during his visits to US. Daryani accuses FBIi of being in touch with student ringleaders and tipping them off as to Shah’s whereabouts so that they could stage demonstrations.
Press headlines also implicate CIA but stories in English language press have no reference to CIA. Persian press carries full text of Daryani’s lengthy two-hour statement which we now in process of translating.
According to our records, Daryani entered US in 1963 and spent most of his time in US until 1967 when he was allowed to leave at his request instead of facing charges of violating immigration regulations. Our file indicates he was not only active among leftist Iranian students and participated in demonstrations against Shah but also had meetings with Soviet intelligence agents in US. This was conveyed to appropriate Iranian security authorities in 1968.
We do not rpt not plan issue denial but in answer to queries USIS is using following statement: “According to our information, Bahram M. Daryani (also known as Darian) visited the United States several times between 1963 and 1967, when he was allowed to leave at his request when faced with a court order charging him with violation of immigration regulations. There is no truth to his allegations and we consider his story a fabrication.”

Comment: Daryani’s allegations and his performance at press conference yesterday are not first (but are by far most extreme) of some thinly veiled accusations which have recently appeared in vernacular press implying US intelligence agencies are engaged in anti-Iranian activities in US. Most recently Shah is quoted in June 3 Persian language kayhan as telling a French correspondent from Toulouse paper that “concerning anti-Iranian activities, American and British intelligence networks are working together [Page 3] with the Communists.” This is of course same line taken by Daryani. Daryani interview could of course not have taken place without approval of highly placed GOI official.

Ambassador called Court Minister Alam to register his dismay and express personal hope that television performance by Daryani scheduled for evening June 14 be postponed at least until facts could be established. Alam called back in few minutes to report that Daryani’s television appearance would be postponed and asked Ambassador see him this afternoon for detailed discussion of matter. Ambassador also scheduled meet FonMin Zahedi today and will raise incident with him.

Until we can report more fully after these appointments we recommend Department refrain from comment but use same statement as we are (para 5 above) on an if asked basis.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL 13–2 IRAN. Confidential.
  2. The Ambassador wrote that a former leftist Iranian student, Bahram Daryani, had publicly charged U.S. organizations, including the FBI, with facilitating anti-Iranian activities in the United States.