226. Circular Telegram 162821 From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Posts1 2


  • Washington Conference on International Narcotics Matters.
With the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control approaching the end of its first year of operation, the Secretary has approved a Washington conference for senior level officers with responsibility for narcotics matters abroad to review our progress to date and to identify future priorities. The President will address the conference on its opening day.
In order to accommodate the schedule of the President and the Secretary the conference will be held in Washington during the three day period September 18-20. Officers from more than 50 countries will participate including most countries for which narcotics control action plans have seen developed, as well as others which play a key role in international narcotics control.
The conference will provide the participants with briefings by top-level officials from member agencies of the Cabinet Committee. It will also give the Washington officials concerned with world narcotics control first-hand detailed accounts of the progress in our programs abroad, which mission representatives should be prepared to make.
The first day of the conference will be devoted to presentations by Washington officials. In the second day the field participants will meet in regional workshop sessions in which country reports will be presented by field participants and discussed and regional problems evaluated. The third day will be devoted to conclusions and recommendations for improving the effectiveness of our programs abroad. A separate telegram will transmit fuller program information. Bureaus will be communicating directly with field posts regarding the second days program.
Missions are requested to designate the senior officer [DCM or other officer] who advises the Chief of Mission on narcotics matters and coordinates the activities of the mission in narcotics control to attend the conference, and to confirm his name to the Department.
Travel funds will be provided by Department. Allotment will be indicated in separate message.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970-73, SOC 11-5. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Wellman on September 6; cleared in substance with Krogh; cleared with ARA, EA, AF, EUR, NEA, and IO; and approved by Gross. Repeated Priority to Rabat, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Kabul, New Delhi, Tehran, Islamabad, Ankara, Mexico City, Panama City, Bogota, and La Paz.
  2. The Department of State reported that Secretary of State Rogers had approved a conference in Washington for senior-level officers responsible for narcotics matters abroad.