Vietnam: The Kissinger-Le Duc Tho Negotiations, August 1969–December 1973
- Attempting the Impossible, August 1969–September 1970 (Documents 1–7)
- Discovering the Possible, May 1971–September 1971 (Documents 8–13)
- Stalemate and the Nadir of Negotiations, May 1972 (Document 14)
- Serious Negotiations and the October Settlement, July 1972–October
1972 (Documents 15–25)
- Breakdown of Negotiations, November 1972–December 1972 (Documents 26–41)
- Settlement Accomplished: The Accords Initialed and Signed, January
1973 (Documents 42–48)
- Attempting To Implement the Accords,February 1973–December 1973 (Documents 49–68)