Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume XXXIV, National Security Policy, 1969–1972

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume XXXIV, National Security Policy, 1969–1972
- M. Todd Bennett
General Editor:
- Edward C. Keefer
Office of the Historian
- Press Release
- Preface
- Sources
- Unpublished sources
- Published sources
- Abbreviations and terms
- Persons
- National Security Policy, 1969–1972 (Documents 1–229)
- Parity, Safeguard, and the SS–9 Controversy (Documents 1–57)
- The Joint Chiefs of Staff Readiness Test (Documents 58–93)
- Chemical and Biological Warfare, Safeguard Phase II, the Draft (Documents 94–139)
- The Defense Budget and Safeguard Phase III (Documents 140–173)
- The Defense Budget and U.S. National
Security Policy (Documents 174–210)
- Taking Stock (Documents 211–229)
- Parity, Safeguard, and the SS–9 Controversy (Documents 1–57)
- Index