
  • Aaron, David, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1977 until January 1981
  • Akalovsky, Alexander, staff member, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State
  • Aleksandrov-Agentov, Andrei M., Assistant to Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev
  • Bahr, Egon, State Secretary, West German Federal Chancellery; Federal Minister for Special Affairs until 1974; Minister for Economic Cooperation, from 1974 until 1976
  • Baker, Howard, Senator (R-Tennessee)
  • Bartholomew, Reginald, Director of the Policy Planning Staff, Department of Defense, from 1973 until 1974; Deputy Director, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State, from 1974 until 1977; Deputy Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State, from 1977 until 1979; Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, from 1979 until 1981
  • Bessmertnykh, Alexander A., Counselor of the Soviet Embassy in the United States
  • Boverie, Richard T., Colonel, USAF, Director, Program Analysis, National Security Council Staff, from August 1974 until January 1977
  • Bowie, Robert R., Deputy Director of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, from 1977 until 1979
  • Brandt, Willy, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany until May 7, 1974
  • Brezhnev, Leonid I., General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  • Brown, George S., General, USAF, Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force, from August 1, 1973, until June 30, 1974; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from July 1, 1974, until June 20, 1978
  • Brown, Harold, Secretary of Defense from January 20, 1977, until January 20, 1981
  • Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 21, 1977, until January 20, 1981
  • Bush, George H.W., Head of the U.S. Liaison Office in Beijing from October 21, 1974, until December 7, 1975; Director of Central Intelligence from January 30, 1976, until January 20, 1977
  • Byrd, Robert C., Senator (D-West Virginia); Senate Majority Leader
  • Callaghan, James, British Prime Minister from April 1976 until May 4, 1979
  • Carlucci, Frank C., III, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from 1977 until 1981
  • Carter, Jimmy (James Earl), President of the United States from January 20, 1977, until January 20, 1981
  • Ceausescu, Nicolae, Secretary General of the Romanian Communist Party and President of Romania
  • Cheney, Richard B., White House Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President from November 21, 1975, until January 20, 1977
  • Christopher, Warren C., Deputy Secretary of State from February 1977 to January 20, 1981
  • Clements, William P., Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1973 until 1976
  • Clift, A. Denis, member, National Security Council Staff, from 1971 to 1976; Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs from 1977 until 1981
  • Colby, William E., Director of Central Intelligence from September 4, 1973, until January 30, 1976
  • Cranston, Alan, Senator (D-California)
  • Cutler, Lloyd N., White House Counsel from 1977 until 1981; Special Counsel to the President and Consultant to the President on the Ratification of SALT II Treaties, 1979
  • Davis, Jeanne W., National Security Council Staff Secretary
  • Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., Soviet Ambassador to the United States
  • Duckett, Carl, Deputy Director for Science and Technology, Central Intelligence Agency, until June 1, 1976
  • Duncan, Charles W., Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1977 until 1981
  • Earle, Ralph, II, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Representative on the U.S. SALT Delegation from 1973 until May 11, 1977; Alternate Chairman of the U.S. SALT Delegation from May 12, 1977, until August 31, 1978; Chief of the U.S. SALT Delegation from September 1, 1978, until 1980; Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from January 1980 until January 1981
  • Ellsworth, Robert F., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from June 5, 1974, until December 22, 1975; thereafter, Deputy Secretary of Defense until January 10, 1977
  • Ford, Gerald R., Member, U.S. House of Representatives (R-Michigan); House Minority Leader until December 6, 1973; thereafter, Vice President of the United States until August 9, 1974; thereafter, President of the United States until January 20, 1977
  • Gelb, Leslie H., Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State, from February 23, 1977, until June 30, 1979
  • Genscher, Hans Dietrich, West German Foreign Minister from 1974 until 1992
  • Graybeal, Sidney, U.S. Chairman, SALT Standing Consultative Commission
  • Grechko, Andrei, Soviet Defense Minister until April 26, 1976
  • Grinevsky, Oleg, member, Soviet SALT Delegation
  • Gromyko, Andrei A., Soviet Foreign Minister from 1957 until 1985
  • Haig, Alexander M., Jr., Brigadier General, USA, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until January 1973; Army Vice Chief of Staff from 1973 until 1974; Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff from May 1973 until August 1974; Commander-in-Chief, European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe from December 16, 1974, until July 1, 1979
  • Harlow, Bryce N., Counselor to the President
  • Hart, Gary, Senator (D-Colorado)
  • Hartman, Arthur A., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from January 8, 1974, until June 8, 1977
  • Helms, Richard M., Director of Central Intelligence until February 1973; Ambassador to Iran from April 1973 until December 1976
  • Holloway, James L., III, Admiral, USN, Chief of Naval Operations from 1974 until 1978
  • Humphrey, Hubert H., Jr., Senator (D-Minnesota)
  • Hunter, Robert, member, National Security Council Staff
  • Hyland, William G., senior member, National Security Council Staff, until January 1974; Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, from January 1974 until November 1975; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from November 1975 until January 1977; member, National Security Council Staff, from February 1977
  • Ikle, Frederick C., Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from July 10, 1973, until January 20, 1977
  • Ingersoll, Robert S., Deputy Secretary of State from July 10, 1974, until March 31, 1976
  • Irwin, John M., II, Deputy Secretary of State from 1972 until 1973; Ambassador to France from 1973 until 1974
  • Jackson, Henry M. (Scoop), Senator (D-Washington)
  • Johnson, U. Alexis, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until February 1, 1973; Chief of the U.S. SALT Delegation from 1973 until 1977
  • Jordan, Hamilton M., White House Chief of Staff from 1979 until 1980
  • Keeny, Spurgeon, Assistant Director of the Science and Technology Bureau, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
  • Kennan, George F., former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union and long-time Soviet expert
  • Kennedy, Edward M., Senator (D-Massachusetts)
  • Kirilenko, Andrei Pavlovich, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee
  • Kissinger, Henry A., Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until November 3, 1975; Secretary of State from September 21, 1973, until January 20, 1977
  • Knoche, Enno H., Executive Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence until July 3, 1976; Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from July 7, 1976, until August 1, 1977; Acting Director of Central Intelligence from January 20 until March 9, 1977
  • Komplektov, Viktor G., Deputy Chief of the United States of America Department in the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Kornienko (Korniyenko), Georgi M., Director, United States of America Department, and member of the Collegium, both in the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Kosygin, Alexei N., Chairman, Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union
  • Kozlov, Mikhail M., Colonel General (Major General), Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union
  • Kraft, Joseph, syndicated columnist for the Los Angeles Times
  • Laird, Melvin R., Secretary of Defense until January 29, 1973; Counselor to the President for Domestic Affairs from June 1973 until February 1974
  • Lance, Thomas Bertram (Bert), Director of the Office of Management and Budget from January 1977 until September 1977
  • Lehman, John F., Jr., member, National Security Council Staff, until September 1974; Deputy Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from 1974 until January 1977
  • Lodal, Jan M., member, National Security Council Staff, from 1973 until 1974; Director, Program Analysis, National Security Council Staff, from August 1974 until August 1975
  • Lord, Winston, Director, Policy Planning Staff (until February 27, 1974, known as the Policy and Coordination Staff), Department of State, from October 12, 1973, until January 20, 1977
  • Mahon, George H., Representative (D-Texas)
  • Mansfield, Michael J. (Mike), Senator (D-Montana); Senate Majority Leader until 1977, thereafter, U.S. Ambassador to Japan
  • Mathias, Charles McC., Senator (R-Maryland)
  • McClellan, John L., Senator (D-Arkansas)
  • McCrory, Raymond, Chief, Arms Control Intelligence Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
  • McFarlane, Robert C. (Bud), Lieutenant Colonel, USMC, Military Assistant to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs from 1974 until 1977; Special Assistant to the President from 1976 until 1977
  • McGovern, George, Senator (D-South Dakota)
  • McIntyre, Thomas J., Senator (D-New Hampshire)
  • Molander, Roger, member, National Security Council Staff
  • Mondale, Walter F. (Fritz), Senator (D-Minnesota) from 1964 until 1976; Vice President of the United States from January 21, 1977, until January 20, 1981
  • Moorer, Thomas H., Admiral, USN, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1970 until July 1, 1974
  • Muskie, Edmund S., Senator (D-Maine) until May 7, 1980; Secretary of State from May 8, 1980, until January 20, 1981
  • Newhouse, John, Assistant Director, Bureau of International Security Programs, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, from 1977 to 1979
  • Nitze, Paul H., member, U.S. SALT Delegation, from 1969 until 1973; Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from 1973 until 1976
  • Nixon, Richard M., President of the United States from January 20, 1969, until August 9, 1974
  • Odeen, Philip A., Director of the Program Analysis Staff, National Security Council Staff
  • Odom, William E., Lieutenant Colonel, USA, Military Assistant to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1977 until 1981
  • Podgorny, Nikolay Viktorovich, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union
  • Porter, William J., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from February 2, 1973, until February 18, 1974
  • Powell, Joseph L. (Jody), White House Press Secretary from January 1977 until January 1981
  • Reagan, Ronald, Governor of California; Republican Presidential candidate in 1980
  • Richardson, Elliot L., Secretary of Defense from January 30, 1973, until May 24, 1973
  • Rockefeller, Nelson A., Vice President of the United States from December 19, 1974, until January 20, 1977
  • Rodman, Peter W., member, National Security Council Staff and Office of the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs, and Special Assistant to Henry Kissinger
  • Rogers, William P., Secretary of State until August 23, 1973
  • Rowny, Edward L., Lieutenant General, USA, U.S. Representative to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks from 1971 to 1979
  • Rumsfeld, Donald H., Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff from September 27, 1974, until November 19, 1975; Secretary of Defense from November 20, 1975, until January 20, 1977
  • Rush, Kenneth W., Deputy Secretary of Defense until January 1973; Deputy Secretary of State from February 2, 1973, until May 29, 1974
  • Scali, John A., U.S. Representative to the United Nations from February 20, 1973, until June 29, 1975
  • Schlesinger, James R., Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission until February 1973; Director of Central Intelligence from February 2 until July 2, 1973; Secretary of Defense from July 2, 1973, until November 19, 1975; Special Adviser to the President for Energy from January 1977 until September 1977; Secretary of Energy from October 1977 to July 1979
  • Schmidt, Helmut, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from May 16, 1974
  • Scott, Hugh D., Jr., Senator (R-Pennsylvania) until January 3, 1977; Senate Minority Leader
  • Scowcroft, Brent A., Major General, USAF, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from April 1973 until November 3, 1975; Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from November 3, 1975, until January 20, 1977
  • Seignious, George M., II, General, USA, member, U.S. SALT Delegation, from 1978 until 1979; Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from December 4, 1978, until January 3, 1980
  • Semenov, Vladimir Semenovich, Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister and Chief of the Soviet SALT Delegation
  • Shchukin, Aleksandr, member of the Soviet SALT Delegation
  • Shulman, Marshall, Special Adviser on Soviet Affairs to Secretary of State Vance from 1977 until 1980
  • Shultz, George P., Secretary of the Treasury from 1972 until 1974
  • Sick, Gary, member, National Security Council Staff for the Middle East from January 1977 until January 1980
  • Sisco, Joseph J., Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs until February 18, 1974; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from February 20, 1974, until June 30, 1976
  • Slocombe, Walter B., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from 1977 until 1979; Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy from 1979 until January 1981
  • Sloss, Leon, Deputy Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State, from 1973 until 1975; Assistant Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from 1976 until 1978
  • Smith, Gerard C., Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from 1969 until January 4, 1973; Chief of the U.S. SALT Delegation until 1973; Special Assistant to the President for Non-Proliferation Matters from 1977 until 1980
  • Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, Soviet author and dissident
  • Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, senior member, National Security Council Staff; Counselor of the Department of State from January 7, 1974, until February 21, 1977
  • Spiers, Ronald I., Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State, until August 2, 1973
  • Stennis, John C., Senator (D-Mississippi); Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee
  • Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until January 7, 1974; U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1974 until 1976; U.S. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany from 1976 until 1980
  • Sukhodrev, Viktor M., First Secretary, Soviet Foreign Ministry, and interpreter
  • Teller, Edward, founder, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
  • Toon, Malcolm, U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union from January 18, 1977, until 1979
  • Tower, John, Senator (R-Texas)
  • Trusov, General Konstantin A., Senior Military Representative, Soviet SALT Delegation
  • Tucker, Gardiner L., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Analysis until March 30, 1973
  • Turner, Stansfield M., Admiral, Director of Central Intelligence from January 1977 until January 1981
  • Utgoff, Victor, member, National Security Council Staff
  • Vance, Cyrus R., Secretary of State from January 1977 until April 28, 1980
  • Vavilov, Andrei, official, United States of America Department, Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Vorontsov, Yuly, Minister Counselor at the Soviet Embassy in the United States
  • Wade, James P., Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs; Director of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Task Force, Department of Defense; Chairman of the Defense Review Panel Working Group
  • Walters, Vernon A., Lieutenant General, USA, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence until July 7, 1976
  • Warnke, Paul, Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from March 14, 1977, until October 31, 1978
  • Weiss, Seymour, Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State, from August 6, 1973, until January 17, 1974
  • Wickham, John A., Jr., Major General, Senior Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense from 1973 until 1976
  • Wikner, N. Frederick, Chairman of the SALT Task Force, Department of Defense, from September 1973 until 1974
  • Wolfowitz, Paul, staff member, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, from 1972 until 1977; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Regional Programs from 1977 until 1980
  • Young, Milton R., Senator (D-North Dakota)
  • Ziegler, Ronald L., White House Press Secretary and Assistant to the President from 1973 until 1974
  • Zumwalt, Elmo R., Jr., Admiral, USN, Chief of Naval Operations until June 29, 1974