179. Memorandum for the President’s File by Secretary of the Treasury Shultz1


  • Meeting with Chairman Wilbur Mills and Secretary of the Treasury George P. Shultz, Wednesday, July 25, 1973, 3:00 p.m.

The President’s conversation with Wilbur Mills was easy and wide-ranging, winding up with a statement by Wilbur Mills that he hopes the President will get around the country and give the leadership only he can give. Mills pledged his support in that effort.

Substantive points covered in the meeting were these:

1) Mills expressed satisfaction with the progress of the Trade Bill and said he expected to bring it out of Committee shortly after recess and to pass it in September. He told the President he thought he could handle the MFN issue on the basis that the President would withdraw the MFN treatment if:

there is discrimination against the United States
there is market disruption in the United States
there is undue restriction on immigration of its citizens.

The President agreed with this approach.

[Omitted here is discussion unrelated to the trade bill.]

George P. Shultz
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, White House Special Files, Staff Member & Office Files, President’s Office Files, Box 92, President’s Meeting File, Memoranda for the President’s File, Beginning July 22 (1973). No classification marking. Initialed by Shultz. The President met with Mills and Shultz in the Oval Office from 3:14 until 4:24 p.m. (Ibid., White House Central Files, President’s Daily Diary)
  2. Printed from a copy with this typed signature.