18. Telegram From the Embassy in Greece to the Department of State1

5049. Subject: Future of King Constantine. In the present situation there may be some who believe King Constantine should be brought back. It is my considered view that Karamanlis has so many grave issues facing him that we should not complicate his task by raising the constitutional question in any form at this time. Most of the Army is strongly opposed to the King, and many of the politicians are also opposed. He is clearly at this time, particularly now that Karamanlis in fact is back, likely to constitute a divisive factor. I urge, therefore, that we refrain from getting into this subject in any way and let the Greeks decide this issue for themselves.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 84, Athens Embassy Files: Lot 78 F 134, Greece, 1974, Box 39, POL 14 ELECTIONS 1974. Secret. Repeated to London. Drafted and approved by Tasca.