References are to document numbers
- Abdul al Baqi Murthatha, 210, 212, 213, 215
- Abd-al-Rahman, Mohammad Mahmud, 248
- Abdullah, Amir, 317
- Abourezk, James, 260
- Abu Musa, 12
- Afghanistan:
- Aflaq, Michel, 317
- Afrakhteh, Rahman Vahid, 186
- Africa, 62
- Afshar, Nasser, 16
- Ahmad, Abdullah Ismail, 317
- Akbar, Youssef, 158
- Akins, James E., 31, 41
- Alam, Amir Assadollah:
- Algeria, 255, 273, 286
- Algiers Accord (1975):
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research study, 306
- CIA memoranda, 280, 286, 317
- Defense Intelligence Notice, 273, 300
- Helms memoranda, 275, 279
- Helms-Shah discussions, 276, 282
- Iranian policy towards the Persian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula and, 123, 286
- Iranian-Syrian relations and, 131
- Kissinger-Barzani correspondence, 278, 281, 282
- Lowrie memoranda, 274, 288
- Allon, Yigal, 180
- [’A]Ammash, Falih Mahdi, 302
- Ammash, Lt. Gen. Salah Mahdi, 221, 235, 317
- Amnesty International, 197
- Amuzegar, Jamshid, 49, 66, 78, 80, 104, 120
- Anderson, Jack, 48, 84, 193
- Anderson, Robert, 88
- Angola, Iranian role in, 150, 151, 155
- Ansary, Hushang:
- Iranian debt arrearages, 198
- Iranian investment in Pan American Airlines, 110
- Political situation, 120
- Robinson Middle East trip, 105, 108
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement:
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation, 55, 88, 107, 110
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission, 55, 85, 88, 110, 137, 182
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 110, 170
- Appelbaum, Henry R., 14
- Aqrawi, Aziz Rashid, 317
- Aqrawi, Hashim Hasan, 265, 317
- Arab-Israeli conflict (see also October 1973 War):
- Algiers Accord and, 286
- Arab boycott of Israel, 320, 321
- Helms memoranda, 15, 180
- Helms-Shah discussions, 13
- Iranian-Iraqi relations and, 273
- Iranian role, CIA reports, 131
- Iraqi role, 214, 252, 285, 286, 288, 292
- Kissinger-Helms discussions, 31
- Kissinger-Shah correspondence, 95
- Kissinger-Shah discussions, 19, 89, 103, 183
- Kissinger-Zahedi discussions, 32
- National Intelligence Estimates, 121
- Oil prices and, 49
- Saudi policy, 41
- Shah U.S. visit (1973) discussions, 21, 25, 27, 28, 30
- Shah U.S. visit (1975) discussions, 125
- U.S.-Iraqi relations and, 297, 302, 303, 304, 320, 321
- U.S. military aid to Iran and, 181
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 95, 297
- Arab League, 267, 319
- Arafat, Yassir, 31, 213
- ARAMCO, 166
- Ardalan, Abolfath, 158
- Ardnan, Rear Adm., 88
- Arif, Abd al-Rahman, 317
- Arif, Abd al-Salam, 317
- Armstrong, Willis C., 5, 240
- Arthur, Geoffrey, 42
- Asadi, Parviz, 11
- Atherton, Alfred L. “Roy”:
- Barzani U.S. asylum/medical treatment, 308, 310, 315
- Boeing aircraft sales to Iraq, 266
- Energy crisis, 49, 93, 103, 175, 183
- Iranian debt arrearages, 198
- Iranian intelligence personnel in the United States, 199, 201
- Iranian political situation, 185
- Iraqi-Arab states relations, 256
- Iraqi foreign policy, 285
- Iraqi political situation, 231
- U.S. force against producer countries, 96
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 147, 170
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation, 83, 91, 147, 167
- U.S.-Iranian relations, White House public statement, 181
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission, 71, 83, 88
- U.S./Iraqi outstanding claims, 216
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 224, 253
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 139, 147, 158, 179, 197
- U.S. military presence in Bahrain, 118
- U.S. policy towards the Persian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula, Senior Review Group discussions, 23
- Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) (see also U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation), 63, 83
- Atrushi, Abdul Wahab, 314
- Aziz, Tariq, 265
- al-Azzawi, Hikmat, 317
- Baath Party. See Iraqi political situation.
- Bahrain:
- al-Bakr, Ahmed Hassan:
- Bakr, Miss, 251, 255
- Bangladesh, 62
- Baqi, Abdul, 212, 215, 265
- Baraheni, Reza, 184, 193, 202
- Barbian, Paul, 166
- Barzani, Gen. Mulla Mustafa (see also Iraqi Kurds), 27, 208
- Barzani, Idris, 222
- Barzani, Masoud, 222
- Barzani, Ubayadallah Mustafa, 317
- Bengelsdorf, Harold D., 167
- Bennett, Jack F., 65
- Black June, 323
- Blackman, Barny, 315
- Black September, 206, 208, 209, 213
- Blee, David, 184
- Blitgen, Glenn E., 158, 171
- Bloom, Justin L., 91
- Bolster, Archie, 149, 269
- Boumediene, Houari (see also Algiers Accord), 276
- Brett, Maj. Gen. Devol, 26, 29, 36, 76
- Brezhnev, Leonid, 95
- Brooks, Jack, 198
- Brown, Gen. George S., 158, 162, 173
- Brown, Gordon S., 94
- Burchinal, David A., 2
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research studies:
- Burns, Arthur H., 65, 102
- Bush, George H. W., 173, 200
- Butler, Malcolm, 179
- Butler, William, 184, 185, 197
- Butz, Earl, 66
- Byroade, Henry, 45
- Cambodia, 124, 125
- Cannon, James, 159, 160
- Carter, Jimmy, 198, 315
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also
Colby, William E.):
- Algiers Accord, 280, 317
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 131
- Barzani U.S. asylum/medical treatment, 293, 299
- Church Committee, 139
- Iranian military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 259, 317
- Iranian political situation, 161, 186, 235
- Iraqi political situation, 232, 317
- OCI Memoranda:
- Pike Committee investigations, 301
- Research studies, PR 76 100701, “Iraq Under Baath Rule, 1968-1976,” 317
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 200
- U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 24, 207, 227, 228, 229, 254
- Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 18, 19, 62, 120
- Cerles, Pierre, 271
- Chapman, Chris, 17
- Charikha-ye-feda[H’]i-ye-khalq, 146, 161
- Chinese People’s Republic (CPR):
- Chisholm, Shirley, 50
- Clement, Carl, 11
- Clements, William P., Jr.:
- Cline, Ray S., 41
- Cochran, 203
- Colby, William E.:
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 95
- Barzani U.S. asylum/medical treatment, 299
- Iranian-Iraqi relations, 280
- Iranian military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 243, 264, 280
- Iraqi political situation, 232
- Oil prices, 49
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation, 113, 115, 162
- U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 227, 233, 243, 250, 262, 264, 272, 289
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 102
- Congress, U.S.:
- Connally, John, 4, 301
- Connor, James, 157, 160
- Constandy, John, 139
- Cottrell, William, 186
- Coulter, Richard, 60
- Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), 157
- Council on International Economic Policy (CIEP), 102
- Crocker, Ryan C., 11
- Crowe, Brian G., 198
- Cuhruk, Nazif, 215
- Culver, John, 196
- Cyprus, 89
- Davies, Rodger, 16, 17, 48, 52, 55, 216, 234
- Davis, Jeanne W., 23
- Day, Arthur, 285
- Defense Intelligence Notices:
- Defense, U.S. Department of (DOD) (see also Schlesinger, James R.; U.S. military aid to Iran), 102, 116, 152, 153, 157
- Dellums, Ronald, 50
- Del Rae, Lonnie, 11
- Dickman, Francois M., 17, 48, 49, 52
- Dizayee, Muhsin, 248
- Djerejian, Edward P., 209, 224, 226
- Dobrynin, Anatoly F., 188
- Domestic Policy Council (DPC), 102
- Donaldson, William H., 49, 52, 241
- Dosky, Mohammad, 308
- Douglas, William O., 310
- ad-Douri, 265
- Draper, Morris, 315
- al-Dulaymi, Nazhiat Jawdat, 317
- al-Duri, Izzat, 317
- Eagleburger, Lawrence S., 43, 58, 76, 94, 139
- Ebrahimi, Mohammad Esmail, 176
- Egypt (see also Arab-Israeli conflict):
- Eighmie, James W., Jr., 86
- Eilts, Hermann, 95
- Elias, Rouben Naji, 309
- Eliot, Theodore L., Jr., 205
- Elliot, David, 107, 112, 115, 160
- Ellsworth, Robert:
- Enders, Thomas O., 89, 93, 134
- Energy crisis (see also Oil prices; Producer-consumer conference proposals):
- Escudero, Stanley T., 11
- Etemad, Col. Soltan Mohammad, 88, 114, 158, 167, 172
- Evans, Rowland, 238
- Fadhel, Mohammed, 223
- Fardust, Gen., 161
- Farland, Joseph S., 1, 3, 6, 8
- Farnum, D., 82
- Federal Energy Administration (FEA), 102, 157
- Fish, Gen. Howard M., 136, 139, 158, 186
- Ford, Gerald R.:
- Brezhnev summit (1974), 95
- Energy crisis, Shultz Middle East trip, 10
- Iranian investment in Pan American Airlines, 102, 103, 110
- Iranian-Iraqi relations, 103
- Iranian policy towards the Persian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula, 77
- Kissinger Iran visit (1976), 181
- Oil prices:
- Shah correspondence, 72, 144, 191, 192
- Shah U.S. visit (1975), 119, 125, 127
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 124, 134, 140, 153, 169
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation, 110, 159, 172
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission, 109, 110
- U.S. military aid to Egypt, 169
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 110, 117, 142, 163, 179, 190
- U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 259
- 40 Committee, 254
- France, 48, 208, 317
- Fraser, Donald M., 184, 185, 202
- Fulbright, J. William, 23, 292, 301
- Galbraith, John Kenneth, 77
- Gammon, Samuel R., 75
- Gandhi, Indira, 77
- Gatch, 251, 255
- Gergen, David, 57
- German Federal Republic, 65
- Ghaidan, Lt. Gen. Saadoun al-Ani, 221, 223, 265, 317
- Ghorbal, Ashraf, 32
- Ghoreishi, Ahmad, 47
- Glitman, Maynard W., 52
- Goldstein, Gerald, 86
- Gompert, David C., 82
- Gonzalez, Henry, 53
- Gorshkov, Cmdr., 212
- Graham, Katherine, 31
- Granger, Col. Clinton E., 98, 145, 171, 187
- Great Britain, 42
- Grechko, Marshal Andrei, 19, 263
- Greenspan, Alan, 134, 178, 195
- Greenwald, Joseph, 198
- Griffin, George G. B., 184
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 188
- Gulf islands dispute, 12, 24, 27, 208, 215
- Habib, Philip C., 179, 197, 310
- Haddad, Naim, 265
- al-Hadithi, Anwar Abd al-Qadir, 317
- al-Hadithi, Mohammed Sabri, 303
- Haig, Gen. Alexander M. Jr., 37
- Hallock, Richard, 200
- Hamid, Abdul Samad, 314
- Hammadi, Saadoun, 232, 240, 265, 271, 294, 296, 302, 317
- al-Hani, Nasir, 317
- Harris, George S., 306
- Hartman, Arthur A., 188
- Hartmann, Robert T., 102
- Hashemi, Seyed Mehdi, 176
- Hashim, Jawad, 265
- al-Hassan, Amin, 296
- Hatef, 88, 193, 197, 202
- Hawkins, Lt. Col. Lewis L., 18, 25, 128
- Haydar, Abd al-Aziz al-Haj, 317
- Heck, L. Douglas, 9, 16, 46
- Hegazi, Abdel Aziz, 62
- Helms, Richard M.:
- Angola, 150, 151, 155
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 13, 15, 31, 41, 95, 180
- Barzani U.S. asylum/medical treatment, 308, 310, 315
- Church Committee investigations, 139
- Energy crisis, 41, 44, 54
- Iranian economic aid to Egypt, 131
- Iranian foreign policy analyses, 62, 156
- Iranian intelligence personnel in the United States, 193
- Iranian-Iraqi relations, 38, 62, 275, 279
- Iranian military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 77, 229, 242, 243, 275, 278, 282
- Iranian oil negotiations, 8, 15
- Iranian policy towards the Persian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula, 22, 62, 77, 135
- Iranian political situation:
- Iranian-Saudi relations, 12, 22, 23, 24, 62, 78
- Iranian-Soviet relations, 12
- Iraqi-Arab states relations, 256, 279
- Iraqi Kurdish amnesty offer, 314
- Iraqi-Soviet relations, 62, 77, 218
- Kissinger Iran visit (1976), 180, 183
- Kurdish refugees, 283, 311
- Middle East trip (1973), 4
- October 1973 War, 38, 39, 40, 237
- Oil prices, 51, 77, 155
- Pike Committee, 301
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 52, 104, 105
- Robinson Middle East trip, 104, 105
- Rogers Iran visit (June 1973), 19
- Rush Iran visit (Apr. 1973), 14
- Shah U.S. visit (1973), 14, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31
- Shah U.S. visit (1975), 114, 126
- State Department role, 67
- U.S. commodity sales to Iran, 34, 35
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 114, 143, 164, 175, 180, 194
- U.S.-Iranian contingency planning on Saudi Arabia, 23, 24, 31, 33
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation, 56, 114, 180
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission, 55, 56, 58, 71, 83, 88
- U.S. media criticisms of Iran, 85
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 30, 61, 76, 148, 177, 179, 186
- U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 30, 31, 33, 220
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 24
- U.S. military presence in Bahrain, 64
- U.S. military presence in Iran, 37, 132
- U.S. naval presence in the Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea, 46, 62
- U.S. population in Iran, 149
- World Bank lending to Iran, 53
- Hill, Robert C., 23, 26, 29
- Hoagland, Jim, 220, 222, 283
- Hoffman, Marty, 139
- Holcomb, Rear Adm. Staser, 158
- Horan, Harold, 23
- Hormats, Robert, 104, 133, 152, 153, 191
- Hoshemi-Nejad, Mohsen, 126
- Hoskinson, Samuel M., 7, 23, 232, 235
- Houghton, Arthur, 112, 152
- Hoveyda, Amir-Abbas, 1, 11, 14, 38, 111, 120, 161
- Howells, William D., 86
- Huddle, Frank P., Jr., 146, 185, 306
- Huffman, Byron K., Jr., 91
- Hughes, 136
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 179, 181, 188
- Hussein bin Talal (king of Jordan), 256, 286
- Hussein, Saddam:
- Assassination attempt (1976), 324
- CIA memoranda, 232
- Foreign policy, 285, 288, 291
- Iranian-Iraqi relations, 267, 273, 274, 283, 286
- Iraqi-Arab states relations, 312
- Iraqi Kurds, 243, 245, 249, 267, 312, 313
- Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations, 213
- Iraqi-Soviet relations, 212, 263, 317
- Political situation, 223, 232, 235, 265, 288, 292, 317, 324
- Hyland, William G., 188, 190, 267
- Iiaf, Cmdr., 36
- Ikle, Fred, 113, 115, 159, 160, 162, 173
- India:
- Ingersoll, Robert S., 82, 86, 98, 112, 113, 115, 139, 160
- Ingraham, Edward C., 93
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (World Bank), 53
- International Commission of Control and Supervision (ICCS), 27, 28, 30
- International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), 184, 197
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 105
- International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act (1976), 197
- Iran (see also Iranian-Iraqi relations;
Iranian oil negotiations; Iranian political situation; Iranian-Saudi
relations; U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement; U.S.-Iranian
nuclear energy cooperation; U.S.-Iranian relations; U.S. military
aid to Iran):
- Afghani relations with, 30, 62, 77
- Bangladeshi relations with, 62
- Chinese People’s Republic relations with, 1, 21, 62, 77, 89, 120
- Economic situation, 35, 60, 121, 135, 141
- Egyptian relations with, 62, 131, 169
- European pipeline plans, 19, 25, 29
- European relations with, 62
- Foreign policy analyses, 1, 62, 121, 154, 156
- Gulf islands dispute, 12, 24, 27, 208, 215
- Indian relations with, 1, 14, 62, 77
- Israeli relations with, 180
- Kurdish refugees in, 282, 283, 286, 300, 314, 317
- Occidental Petroleum Corporation deal, 179
- October 1973 War and, 38, 39, 40, 41, 236
- Oil refinery strikes, 35
- Oil revenue losses, 154, 155, 156, 158, 163, 165
- Omani relations with, 1, 2, 62
- Pakistani relations with, 62, 77
- Role in Angola, 150, 151, 155
- South African relations with, 30
- Soviet relations with, 1, 12, 14, 62, 121, 180, 196
- Syrian relations with, 62, 131
- Vietnam ICCS membership proposals, 27, 28, 30
- World Bank lending, 53
- Yemen Arab Republic relations with, 1
- Iranian-Iraqi relations (see also Algiers
Accord (1975); Iranian military aid to Iraqi
- CIA memoranda, 317
- Farland memoranda, 1
- Gulf islands dispute, 208, 215
- Helms memoranda, 38, 62, 275, 279
- Helms-Shah discussions, 276, 282
- Intelligence reports, 286, 306
- Iraqi Kurds and, 103, 215, 217, 219
- Iraqi-Soviet relations and, 219, 286, 306
- Iraq/Pakistan arms smuggling incident, 204, 206
- Kissinger-Shah discussions, 103
- Lowrie memoranda, 214, 215, 268, 271, 285
- Lowrie-Taqa discussions, 260
- Miklos memoranda, 270
- Miklos-Nadim discussions, 290
- National Intelligence Estimates, 121
- October 1973 War and, 236
- Rush-Shah discussions, 14
- Scali-El-Shibib discussions, 252
- Scowcroft memoranda, 277
- Shatt al-Arab dispute, 208, 215, 274, 279, 286
- Soviet-Iranian discussions, 12
- Soviet Union and, 286, 306
- U.S. military aid to Iran and, 267
- Iranian military aid to Iraqi Kurds:
- Algiers Accord and, 274, 275, 278, 282, 286
- CIA memoranda, 317
- Colby memoranda, 243, 264, 280
- Djerejian-Qazzaz discussions, 226
- Ford-Kissinger discussions, 259
- Gatch-Bakr discussions, 255
- Helms-Barzani discussions, 242
- Helms memoranda, 77, 229, 275, 282
- Hyland memoranda, 267
- Kissinger-Shah discussions, 89, 103
- Lowrie memoranda, 219, 220, 245, 268
- Miklos memoranda, 270
- Neumann memoranda, 261, 269
- Scowcroft memoranda, 262
- Shah U.S. visit (1973) discussions, 27, 30
- U.S.-Iraqi relations and, 260
- Walters memoranda, 225
- Wiley memoranda, 313
- Iranian oil negotiations:
- Iranian political situation:
- Coulter memoranda, 60
- Farland memoranda, 1
- Helms memoranda, 11, 47, 184, 186
- Helms-Shah discussions, 45
- Huddle memoranda, 185
- Human rights, 50, 84, 184, 196, 197, 202
- Intelligence reports, 120, 146, 161
- Iranian Resurgence Party, 111, 120
- Lowrie memoranda, 265
- Miklos memoranda, 9, 128
- National Intelligence Estimates, 121
- Student unrest (1973), 9, 11, 47
- Terrorism, 1, 18, 26, 128, 146, 149, 161, 174, 176, 186
- U.S. media coverage, 84, 184, 197, 202
- U.S. military aid to Iran and, 9, 11, 92
- Iranian Resurgence Party, 111, 120
- Iranian-Saudi relations:
- Iraq (see also Iranian-Iraqi relations;
Iraqi Kurds; Iraqi political situation; Iraqi-Soviet relations):
- Arab states relations with, 256, 279, 312, 313, 317
- Egyptian relations with, 256
- Foreign policy analyses, 206, 208, 285, 286, 288, 291, 317
- French relations with, 208, 317
- Indian relations with, 62
- Iraq Petroleum Company agreement, 205
- Israeli airliner seizure, 228
- Jewish community in, 203, 223, 309
- Kuwaiti relations with, 12, 27, 206, 210, 213, 286, 291
- Lebanese relations with, 206
- October 1973 War and, 236, 238, 239, 240, 242, 286
- Oil company nationalization, 240, 317
- Pakistan arms smuggling incident, 204, 206
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 241
- Support for Palestinians, 208, 214, 286, 294, 302, 303, 317, 321
- Syrian relations with, 125, 286, 313, 317, 319, 324
- Terrorism support, 208, 214, 321, 323
- U.S. policy towards, 206
- Iraqi Kurds (see also Iranian military aid
to Iraqi Kurds; Iraqi offensive in Kurdish conflict; U.S. military
aid to Iraqi Kurds), 208
- Algiers Accord and, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 286, 306, 317
- Autonomy negotiations, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 316, 317
- Barzani U.S. asylum/medical treatment, 283, 293, 299, 301, 308, 310, 315, 316
- Iranian-Iraqi relations and, 103, 215, 217, 219
- Iraqi amnesty offer, 314, 318
- Iraqi Communist Party and, 217
- Iraqi political situation and, 217, 229, 231, 232, 317
- Israeli military aid to, 286
- Kissinger-Shah discussions, 103
- October 1973 War and, 237, 238
- Postwar insurgency, 312, 313, 322, 325
- Refugees, 282, 283, 286, 300, 311, 314, 317
- Shah U.S. visit (1973) discussions, 27, 30
- Syrian support for, 317, 318
- U.S.-Iraqi relations and, 251, 255, 283
- Iraqi offensive in Kurdish conflict:
- Algiers Accord and, 279
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research study, 267
- CIA memoranda, 264, 286, 317
- Kissinger-Barzani correspondence, 278
- Lowrie memoranda, 268, 288
- Neumann memoranda, 261, 269
- Scowcroft memoranda, 262, 278
- Talabani partisans, 318
- U.S.-Iranian correspondence, 275, 276
- Wiley memoranda, 313, 324
- Iraqi political situation:
- Algiers Accord and, 274, 286, 288
- CIA memoranda, 232, 317
- Communist Party, 217, 219, 232, 238, 265, 317, 324
- Kazzar coup attempt (June 1973), 221, 223, 232, 233, 235, 317
- Kissinger memoranda, 229
- Kurds and, 217, 229, 231, 232, 317
- Lowrie memoranda, 208, 211, 217, 231, 292
- October 1973 War and, 238
- Terrorism, 324
- Iraqi-Soviet relations:
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research reports, 230
- CIA memoranda, 317
- Helms memoranda, 62, 77, 218
- Iranian-Iraqi relations and, 219, 286, 306
- Iranian query, 319
- Iraqi-Arab states relations and, 256
- Iraqi Kurds and, 231, 317
- Lowrie memoranda, 208, 212, 214, 219, 263, 288
- Rush memoranda, 234
- Saudi query, 305
- Scali-El-Shibib discussions, 252
- Shah U.S. visit (1973) discussions, 21, 23
- U.S.-Iraqi relations and, 302
- Wiley memoranda, 319
- Irwin, John N., II, 5
- Israel (see also Arab-Israeli conflict):
- Izadi, Hassan, 16
- Jaafarzadeh, Mohammad Hossein, 176
- Jackson, Henry M. (“Scoop”), 308, 315
- al-Jalil, Ghanim Abd, 223, 265, 317
- Jamieson, L. Kenneth, 5, 69
- al-Jawary, Khalid, 209
- al-Jazrawi, Taha, 265, 317
- Jobert, Michel, 48
- Johnson, Alexandra U., 230
- Jones, Curtis F., 213
- Jones, Tom, 190
- Jordan:
- Jordan, Amos A., 147, 158
- Jumah, Hasan Fahmi, 317
- al-Juwari, Ahmad Bd al-Sattar, 265, 317
- Kahan, Jerome H., 91, 167
- Kalicki, Jan, 167
- Karim, Tayeh Abdul, 265
- al-Karim, Tayih Abd, 317
- Katz, Julius L., 49, 52, 198, 240
- Kazzar, Nazim, 317
- Kelly, John H., 167
- Kennedy, Edward M., 292, 308, 310
- Kennedy, Col. Richard T., 6, 79, 207, 225, 258
- Kessler, Judd L., 82
- al-Khaffaf, Fakri, 265
- Khalatbari, Abbas Ali:
- Khalil, Mohsen, 314
- Khatami, Cmdr. Mohammad, 1, 36, 120
- Al-Khayl, Mohammed Aba, 137
- Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 120, 176
- Killgore, Andrew I., 1, 47, 316
- Killough, T. Patrick, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298
- Kissinger, Henry A.:
- Angola, 150, 151, 155
- Arab-Israeli conflict:
- Barzani correspondence, 278, 281, 282
- Barzani U.S. asylum/medical treatment, 293, 299, 308, 310, 315
- Energy crisis, 43, 57, 100
- Ford-Shah correspondence, 72
- Iranian debt arrearages, 198
- Iranian economic aid to Egypt, 131, 169
- Iranian intelligence personnel in the United States, 193
- Iranian investment in Pan American Airlines, 102, 103, 110
- Iranian-Iraqi relations, 103, 276, 277, 278, 281
- Iranian military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 89, 103, 225, 243, 259, 278
- Iranian oil negotiations, 8
- Helms memoranda, 15
- Iranian-Saudi relations, 22, 24
- Iran visit (1974), 81, 82, 84, 85
- Iran visit (1976), 179, 180, 181, 182, 183
- Iraqi-Arab states relations, 256
- Iraqi foreign policy, 285
- Iraqi political situation, 235
- Iraqi-Soviet relations, 305
- Iraq Petroleum Company agreement, 205
- Middle East trip (1973), 41, 43
- October 1973 War, 38, 40, 237, 242
- Oil prices, 48, 49, 52, 66
- Persian Gulf countries, Iranian relations with, 22
- Pike Committee, 301
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 49, 52, 93, 103, 129, 130, 241
- Robinson Middle East trip, 105
- Shah U.S. visit (1973), 25, 27, 28, 30, 31
- Shah U.S. visit (1975), 119, 125, 127
- U.S. commodity sales to Iran, 34, 52
- U.S. force against producer countries, 96
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 122, 124, 127, 140, 153
- U.S.-Iranian contingency planning on Saudi Arabia, 23, 24, 27, 31, 33
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation, 55, 58,
- Atherton memoranda, 147
- Atherton/Sievering memoranda, 91
- Ford-Ansary discussions, 110
- Interdepartmental Working Group report, 59
- Kratzer/Atherton memoranda, 167
- Kratzer memoranda, 159
- National Security Council staff memoranda, 107, 110
- National Security Decision Memoranda, 173
- National Security Study Memoranda, 113, 115, 116
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission meeting discussions, 88
- U.S.-Iranian oil-for-arms swap proposals, 165, 166, 168, 170, 183
- U.S.-Iranian relations, 67
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission, 55, 58, 71
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 239, 251, 253, 285, 302
- U.S. media criticisms of Iran, 85
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 2, 101, 117
- Atherton memoranda, 147, 179
- Ford-Ansary discussions, 110
- Gromyko discussions, 188
- Helms memoranda, 36, 61, 76
- Helms-Shah discussions, 70
- Humphrey Committee study, 179, 181, 188
- Ingersoll memoranda, 82
- Iranian oil revenue losses and, 154, 155, 156, 163, 165
- National Security Council staff memoranda, 6, 79, 98, 145, 187
- Rush-Shah discussions, 14
- Schlesinger discussions, 89
- Scowcroft memoranda, 94
- Shah discussions, 179
- Shah U.S. visit (1973) discussions, 30
- Zahedi discussions, 32
- U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 207, 229, 233, 246,
254, 281
- Colby memoranda, 227, 243, 250, 264, 289
- Congressional investigations, 301
- Ford discussions, 259
- Helms discussions, 24, 31, 227
- Helms-Masoud Barzani discussions, 222
- Helms-Shah discussions, 33, 247, 248
- National Security Council staff memoranda, 272
- Senior Review Group discussions, 23
- Shah discussions, 24, 227
- Shah U.S. visit (1973) discussions, 27, 30
- Walters memoranda, 225
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 14, 24
- U.S. military presence in Bahrain, 118
- U.S. naval presence in the Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea, 42, 77
- U.S. policy towards the Persian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula, 23
- Klein, Raymond, 315
- Korn, David A.:
- Kornienko, Georgi M., 188
- Kosygin, Alexei, 12
- Kraar, Louis, 84
- Kraft, Joseph, 102
- Kratzer, 159, 162, 167
- Krongard, Robert, 186
- Kubal, Robert, 132
- al-Kubaysi, Basil, 209
- Kurds. See Iranian military aid to Iraqi Kurds; Iraqi Kurds; Iraqi offensive in Kurdish conflict; U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds.
- Kuwait:
- Kzar, Nazim, 221
- Laird, Melvin R., 6, 17, 34
- Lambrakis, George, 197
- Laurence, L., 308
- Lebanon, 206, 313, 317, 319
- Leigh, Monroe, 139
- Levasseur, Georges, 184
- Little, Edward, 184
- Little, Robert, 61
- Long, David E., 213
- Lord, Winston, 88, 188
- Lowrie, Arthur L.:
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 214, 288, 292
- Iranian-Iraqi relations, 215, 217, 268, 271
- Iranian military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 245, 268
- Iraqi foreign policy, 206, 208, 285, 288
- Iraqi Kurdish autonomy negotiations, 249
- Iraqi Kurds, 208, 217, 231, 249, 283
- Iraqi-Kuwait relations, 210
- Iraqi offensive in Kurdish conflict, 268, 288
- Iraqi political situation, 208, 211, 217, 221, 223, 231, 238, 265, 292
- Iraqi-Soviet relations, 208, 212, 214, 219, 263, 288
- October 1973 War, 238
- U.S. covert intelligence activities in Iraq, 287
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 208, 255, 257, 260, 288
- U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 220, 245, 249
- U.S. policy towards Iraq, 206
- Lubrani, Uri, 279
- Lundy, Walter, 60
- Mahjoub, Mohammed, 265
- Mahjub, Muhammad, 317
- Makarov, Vasiliy, 188
- Mansoor, Salim Yusuf, 209, 224, 228
- Mansur, Hassan Ali, 161
- Marcy, Carl, 43
- Mark, David E., 213, 230
- Marsh, John O., Jr., 102
- Massumi-Nainii, Abdol Majid, 158
- Mast, Charles, 11
- Maughan, Mary H., 256, 266
- Maw, Carlyle E.:
- Mayaguez incident, 124, 125
- McClellan, John L., 190
- McFarlane, Robert C., 293
- McGovern, George, 31
- Meany, George, 308, 310, 315
- Mehran, Hassan Ali, 137
- Michaud, Michael A.G., 12
- Miklos, Jack C.:
- Barzani U.S. asylum/medical treatment, 310
- Energy crisis, 52, 104, 144
- Iranian-Iraqi relations, 270, 290
- Iranian oil negotiations, 5
- Iranian policy towards the Persian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula, 123
- Iranian-Soviet relations, 12
- Iraqi-Soviet relations, 234
- Shaffer/Turner murders, 128
- U.S.-Iranian relations, 201, 202
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission, 55, 58, 88
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 9, 17, 90
- U.S. population in Iran, 149
- Millspaugh, Arthur, 231
- Mina, Parviz, 105
- Mirfendereski, Ahmad, 40, 204
- Mitchell, Parren, 50
- Moakley, John J., 50
- Mohammad, Aziz, 217, 317
- Moorer, Adm. Thomas H., 23, 26, 49, 233
- Moorhead, William S., 198
- Morton, Rogers C. B., 49, 234
- Mossadeq, Mohammad, 1, 100
- Mujahedin-e-Khalq, 18, 146, 161, 174, 186
- Mustafa, Izzat, 212, 265, 317
- Naas, Charles:
- Nadim, Jafar, 16, 290
- al-Naggar, 271
- al-Naif, Maj. Abd al-Razzaq, 317
- Nassiri, Gen. Nematollah, 275, 315
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). See Iranian oil negotiations
- National Security Council (NSC), 102
- National Security Decision Memoranda (NSDM):
- National Security Study Memoranda:
- No. 66, “Policy Toward the Persian Gulf,” 145
- No. 181, “U.S. Policy in the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf,” 22, 23
- No. 182, “Implication for U.S. Policy of Probable Lines of Soviet Strategy and Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean, Near East, Arabian Peninsula, and South Asia,” 23
- No. 198, “Joint U.S.-Saudi Economic, Military and Technological Cooperation,” 59
- No. 209, “Policy on the Development of Future Uranium Enrichment Capacity,” 107
- No. 219, “U.S.-Iran Agreement on Cooperation in Civil Uses of Atomic Energy,” 113, 115, 116
- No. 231, “Israeli Military Requests,” 171
- No. 238, “U.S. Policy Toward the Persian Gulf,” 171, 179
- Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act (1976), 166, 168
- Nelson, William E., 243
- Nensel, Gerald, 23
- Neumann, Ronald E., 261, 269
- Niehuss, Rosemary, 251
- Nixon, Richard M.:
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 13, 28
- Energy crisis, 44, 57, 65, 241
- Helms Middle East trip (1973), 4.
- Iranian oil negotiations, 3, 5, 8, 10
- Iran visit (1972), 1, 18
- Resignation of, 65, 72
- Shah correspondence, 3, 43, 57
- Shah U.S. visit (1973), 14, 25, 28
- U.S.-Iranian relations, 12
- U.S. military aid to Iran, Kissinger memoranda, 2
- U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 207, 233, 246, 254
- Northrop Grumman, 190
- North Yemen. See Yemen Arab Republic.
- Nosenzo, Louis V., 167
- Noyes, James H., 23, 29, 132, 136, 158
- Nuclear energy (see also U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation):
- Nwei, Yousif Saheh, 309
- Oakley, Robert B.:
- Occidental Petroleum Corporation, 179
- October 1973 War:
- Office of Management and Budget, U.S., 102
- Office of Scientific Intelligence, 106
- Oil prices:
- Atherton memoranda, 175
- CIA memoranda, 317
- Ford-Shah correspondence, 144, 191, 192
- Ford-Zahedi discussions, 75, 195
- Helms memoranda, 51, 77, 155
- Helms-Shah discussions, 35, 68, 69, 73, 78, 175
- Ingersoll memoranda, 86
- Iranian investment in Pan American Airlines and, 102
- Kissinger-Ford discussions, 65
- Kissinger memoranda, 52
- Kissinger-Schlesinger discussions, 65
- Kissinger-Shah discussions, 87, 89, 103, 183
- National Security Council staff memoranda, 196
- Robinson-Amuzegar discussions, 104
- Robinson memoranda, 122
- Robinson Middle East trip discussions, 105
- Schultz-Shah discussions, 100
- Shah U.S. visit (1975) discussions, 119
- Simon Middle East trip (1974), 65
- Sober-Amouzegar discussions, 80
- U.S.-Iranian discussions, 35, 48, 49, 66, 80
- U.S. military aid to Iran and, 74
- Walters memoranda, 81
- Oman, Sultanate of, 1, 2, 23, 25, 27, 62, 291
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) (see also Oil embargo; Oil prices), 7, 153, 166
- Otmishi, Gen., 261
- Ottaway, David B., 197
- Packman, Martin, 230
- Padelford, Edward, 17, 177
- Pahlavi, Ashraf (Princess of Iran), 60
- Pahlavi, Farah (Empress of Iran), 1
- Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza (Shah of Iran) (see
also Shah U.S. visit (1973)):
- Angola, 151
- Arab-Israeli conflict:
- Energy crisis, 43, 44, 54, 57, 96, 100
- Ford correspondence, 72, 144, 191, 192
- Iranian intelligence personnel in the United States, 199, 201
- Iranian investment in Pan American Airlines, 103
- Iranian-Iraqi relations, 103, 270, 273, 276, 279, 282
- Iranian military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 27, 30, 89, 103, 261, 282
- Iranian Resurgence Party, 111
- Iranian-Saudi relations, 12, 14, 22, 23, 27, 78
- Iraqi-Arab states relations, 256
- Iraqi Kurdish autonomy negotiations, 247, 248
- Kissinger Iran visit (1976), 183
- Nixon correspondence, 3, 43, 57
- October 1973 War, 39
- Oil negotiations, 3, 5, 8, 12, 14, 19, 21
- Oil prices, 49
- Political situation, 1, 45, 128, 161, 184, 186
- Rogers visit (June 1973), 19
- Rush Iran visit (Apr. 1973), 14
- U.S. commodity sales to Iran, 35
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 114, 124, 127, 175
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation, 63, 114, 162, 167, 172, 183
- U.S.-Iranian oil-for-arms swap proposals, 183
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission, 56, 58
- U.S. military aid to Iran:
- U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 27, 30, 33, 233, 247, 248
- U.S. military presence in Bahrain, 123
- U.S. naval presence in the Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea, 42
- U.S. visit (1975), 114, 119, 125, 126, 127
- Pahlavi, Reza Cyrus Ali (Crown Prince of Iran), 1
- Pakistan:
- Palestinians (see also Arab-Israeli conflict), 25, 31, 89
- Palmer, Stephen, Jr., 171
- Pan American Airlines, Iranian investment in, 102, 110
- Peet, Vice Adm. Raymond E., 29
- People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen), 24, 25, 27
- Persian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula (see also
Saudi Arabia):
- Iranian policy towards:
- Algiers Accord and, 123, 286
- Farland memoranda, 1
- Helms memoranda, 22, 62, 77, 135
- Iranian-Soviet discussions, 12
- Miklos memoranda, 123
- National Intelligence Estimates, 121, 135
- National Security Study Memoranda, 22
- Rogers-Shah discussions, 19
- Rush-Shah discussions, 14
- Senior Review Group discussions, 23
- Shah U.S. visit (1973) discussions, 27, 29
- Walters memoranda, 81
- Iraqi policy towards, 317
- Regional security pact proposals, 286, 289, 290, 306, 317
- Shah U.S. visit (1973) discussions, 21
- Soviet policy towards, 14, 25, 77
- Subversive activities in, 291
- U.S. military presence in Bahrain, 64, 77, 118, 123, 286
- U.S. naval presence, 42, 46, 62, 77, 286
- U.S. policy towards, 15, 22, 23, 145, 171
- U.S. reconaissance flights, 97
- Iranian policy towards:
- Pickering, Thomas R., 42
- Pike Committee, 301, 308
- Pinckney, Col. T. C., 23
- Pishdari, Bakr Mahmud, 317
- Poats, Rutherford M., 152, 167, 168, 170, 194
- Poe, Gen. Eugene M., 186
- Pope, James M., 93
- Porter, William J., 233
- Precht, Henry, 1, 132, 149
- Price, Brig. Gen. Harold L., 18
- Producer-consumer conference proposals:
- Rabin, Yitzhak, 180
- Rafizadeh, Mansur, 199
- Raicht, Lawrence J., 93
- Ras al-Khaimah, 12
- Rashidov, R., 223
- Ratliff, Rob Roy, 207, 233, 254, 293
- Rattray, Alexander, 9
- Reza[H’]i, Reza, 18
- Roberts, Donald A., 267
- Roberts, Gwen, 283
- Robinson, Charles W.:
- Energy crisis, 100, 104, 105, 122
- Iranian debt arrearages, 198.
- Iranian economic aid to Egypt, 169
- Iranian intelligence personnel in the United States, 199
- Iranian investment in Pan American Airlines, 110
- Middle East trip, 104, 105, 122
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 122, 143, 157, 164
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation, 108, 110
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission, 108, 110, 137
- Rockefeller, David, 292
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 75, 163
- Rodman, Peter W., 88, 103, 188, 272, 302
- Rogers, William P., 5, 8, 13, 19, 191, 203
- Roosa, Robert V., 100
- Rouse, John, 5, 9, 12, 17
- Rumsfeld, Donald, 148, 154, 158, 162, 164, 173, 190
- Rush, Kenneth, 10, 12, 14, 23, 48, 234
- Sabbagh, Isa K., 302
- Sadat, Anwar, 38, 44, 95, 131, 271
- Sadri, 88
- Saffar, Mohammad Hussein al-, 209
- Safire, William, 301
- al-Said, Nuri, 317
- Samarmad, Salah, 314
- Samii, Abdol-Hosein, 120
- al-Sammarie, Abdul-Khaliq, 223, 317
- al-Saqqaf, Umar, 41
- Saud al-Faisal bin Abd al-Aziz (prince of Saudi Arabia), 78
- Saudi Arabia (see also Iranian-Saudi
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 41
- ARAMCO takeover, 166
- Gulf islands dispute, 24, 27
- Iraqi-Soviet relations, 305
- Military aid to Jordan, 27
- North Yemeni relations with, 27
- Oil prices, 89
- Simon Middle East trip (1974), 65
- Role in Angola, 150
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement and, 152, 166
- U.S.-Iranian contingency planning, 23, 24, 27, 31, 33
- U.S. military aid to, 17, 19, 24
- U.S. military aid to Iran and, 90
- U.S. policy towards, 24
- Kissinger-Helms discussions, 31
- Saunders, Harold H.:
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 15, 31
- Barzani U.S. asylum/medical treatment, 308, 310
- Energy crisis, 57
- Iranian oil negotiations, 15
- Iranian-Saudi relations, 22
- Iraqi-Arab states relations, 256
- Iraqi political situation, 232
- Oil prices, 57
- Palestinians, 303
- Shah U.S. visit (1973), 27, 30
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 6, 14
- U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 31, 225
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 24
- U.S. policy towards the Persian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula, 23
- al-Sayyab, Abdullah, 292
- Scali, John A., 252, 253
- Schiff, Stanley D., 17
- Schlesinger, James R.:
- Schmidt, Helmut, 65
- Schorr, Daniel, 301
- Schwebel, Stephen M., 240
- Scotes, Thomas J., 216
- Scott, David, 296
- Scowcroft, Brig. Gen. Brent:
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 41, 103
- Barzani U.S. asylum/medical treatment, 299
- Energy crisis, 54, 57, 100
- Helms Middle East trip (1973), 4
- Iranian investment in Pan American Airlines, 110
- Iranian-Iraqi relations, 103, 275, 276, 277, 278, 281, 282
- Iranian military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 262, 278
- Iranian oil negotiations, 7
- Iraqi terrorism support, 323
- Occidental Petroleum Corporation deal, 179
- Shah U.S. visit (1975), 119, 125, 127
- Soviet military aid to Iran, 196
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement:
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation, 162, 172
- U.S.-Iranian relations, 67, 181
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission, 109, 110
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 76, 94, 136, 154, 163, 183, 187, 190
- U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 244, 258, 262, 282
- U.S. military presence in Iran, 37
- U.S. naval presence in the Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea, 42
- U.S. policy towards the Persian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula, 23, 171
- Seamans, Robert C., Jr., 113, 115, 162, 167, 172, 173
- Seidman, L. William, 102
- Senate, U.S., 139
- Senior Review Group, 23
- Shaffer, Paul R., Jr., 128, 186
- Shah U.S. visit (1973):
- Shammash, Shaul, 228
- Shamsabadi, Ayatollah Seyed Mohsen, 174, 176
- Shanshal, Abdul Jabbar, 263
- Sharfizadeh, Assadollah, 176
- Sharif, Abd al-Sattar Tahir, 317
- Sharif, Aziz, 317
- Shatt al-Arab Treaty (1937), 208, 215, 279, 286
- al-Shawi, Hisham, 265
- al-Shaykhly, Abd-al-Karim, 235
- Shehab, Lt. Gen. Hammad, 221, 223, 232, 317
- El-Shibib, 252, 253, 260
- Shultz, George P., 52, 53, 93, 100
- Sick, Capt. Gary, 132, 323
- Sievering, 91, 162
- Simon, William E., 57, 65, 66, 69, 89, 140
- Singh, Swaran, 30
- Sisco, Joseph J.:
- Barzani U.S. asylum/medical treatment, 299, 308
- Iranian-Iraqi relations, Lowrie discussions, 214
- Iranian military aid to Iraqi Kurds, 267
- Iranian oil negotiations, 5
- Iran visit (Apr. 1973), 12, 14
- Iraqi-Arab states relations, 256
- Iraqi oil company nationalization, 240
- Rogers Iran visit (June 1973), 19
- U.S. force against producer countries, 96
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 134
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation, 63, 167
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission, 58, 59, 63, 71, 83
- U.S./Iraqi outstanding claims, 216
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 224, 239, 253, 260
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 9, 17, 61, 139, 181
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 19
- U.S. military presence in Bahrain, 118
- U.S. naval presence in the Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea, 42
- U.S. policy towards the Persian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula, 23
- Smith, Donald, 186
- Smith, Richard, 198
- Sober, Sidney:
- Somalia, 77
- Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 93, 188
- South Africa, 30
- South Yemen. See People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen
- Soviet Union (see also Iraqi-Soviet
- Afghanistan, policy towards, 27
- Arab-Israeli conflict and, 95, 297
- Egyptian relations with, 196
- Indian relations with, 77
- Iranian-Iraqi relations and, 286, 306
- Iranian relations with, 1, 12, 14, 62, 121, 180, 196
- Iraqi-Kuwait relations and, 210
- Iraq/Pakistan arms smuggling incident, 204
- October 1973 War and, 39, 40, 238
- Policy towards the Persian Gulf, 14, 25, 77
- Role in Angola, 150, 151
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 188
- U.S. relations with, 14, 19, 21, 25
- Special Defense Intelligence Notices, No. 1217-75, 128
- Springsteen, George S., Jr., 167
- Stabler, Walt, 109
- Stark, Fortney, 50
- Steel, David, 69, 73
- Stempel, John D., 197
- Stoddard, Phillip H., 86
- Stoddart, Jonathan D., 42
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 42
- Stone, Richard, 315
- Strong, Gregory D., 228
- Sturken, Pater, 261
- Sudan, 62
- Sukhodrev, Viktor M., 188
- Sulzberger, Cy, 283
- Susskind, David, 202
- Symington, Stuart, 61
- Syria (see also Arab-Israeli conflict):
- Taft, Robert, 190
- Taheri, Brig. Gen. Said, 1
- Talabani, Jalal, 317, 318
- al-Talabani, Mukarram, 317
- Talfa, Sajida Khairallah (Madam Hussein), 251
- Taqa, Shathel, 255, 260
- Tawfick, Dara, 261
- Taylor, Henry L., 1
- Taylor, Paul D., 93
- Thimmesch, Nick, 69
- Thornton, Thomas, 23
- al-Tikriti, Gen. Hardan, 221, 317
- al-Tikriti, Sadoun Mosleh, 314
- Toufanian, Lt. Gen. Hassan, 18, 61, 154, 156, 158, 180, 196
- Transportation, U.S. Department of, 102
- Treasury, U.S. Department of, 102
- Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), 63, 83, 91
- Tuohy, Bill, 283
- Turkey, 89, 214, 215, 220
- Turner, Jack H., 128, 186
- Twinam, Joseph W., 123
- United Arab Emirates, 291
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement:
- Atherton memoranda, 147
- Ford-Ansary discussions, 169
- Helms memoranda, 180
- Helms-Shah discussions, 175
- Kissinger-Ansary discussions, 165, 168, 170
- Kissinger-Greenspan discussions, 134
- Kissinger memoranda, 140
- Kissinger-Zarb discussions, 166
- National Security Council staff memoranda, 133, 152, 153
- Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act and, 166, 168, 194
- Negotiations suspension, 189
- Robinson memoranda, 122, 143, 157, 164, 178, 189, 194
- Robinson-Zahedi discussions, 194
- Shah U.S. visit (1975) discussions, 114, 124, 127
- Zarb-Ansary discussions, 178
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation:
- Atherton memoranda, 83, 147
- Atherton/Sievering memoranda, 91
- Elliot memoranda, 160
- Ford-Ansary discussions, 110
- Helms memoranda, 56, 180
- Interdepartmental Working Group report, 59
- Kissinger memoranda, 55, 58, 71
- Kissinger-Shah discussions, 183
- Kratzer/Atherton memoranda, 167
- National Security Council staff memoranda, 107, 112
- National Security Decision Memoranda, 173
- National Security Study Memoranda, 113, 115, 116
- Scowcroft memoranda, 159, 162, 172
- Shah U.S. visit (1975) discussions, 114
- Sisco memoranda, 63
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission meeting discussions, 88
- U.S.-Iranian oil-for-arms swap proposals, 171
- U.S.-Iranian relations (see also Shah U.S.
visit (1973); U.S.-Iran Joint Commission):
- Afshar issue, 16
- Commodity sales, 34, 35, 52
- Economic aid and cooperation. See U.S.-Iran Joint Commission
- Farland memoranda, 1
- Helms memoranda, 135
- Helms Middle East trip (1973), 4
- Iranian debt arrearages, 198
- Iranian human rights issues and, 50, 84, 184, 196, 197, 202
- Iranian intelligence personnel in the United States, 193, 199
- Iranian investment in Pan American Airlines, 102, 103, 110
- Kissinger Iran visit (1974), 81, 82, 84, 85
- Kissinger Iran visit (1976), 179, 180, 182
- National Intelligence Estimates, 121, 135
- Nixon-Shah correspondence, 3
- Nixon visit (1972), 1, 18
- Oil prices and, 65, 69
- Rogers visit (June 1973), 19
- Rush visit (Apr. 1973), 12, 14
- Shaffer/Turner murders, 128
- State Department role and, 67
- Terrorist attacks on Americans in Iran, 18, 26, 128, 146, 149, 186
- U.S. media criticisms, 84, 85, 181, 201
- U.S. military presence in Bahrain and, 64
- U.S. military presence in Iran, 37, 97, 132, 142, 145
- U.S. naval presence in the Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea, 42, 46, 62, 77, 286
- U.S. population in Iran, 92, 142, 149
- White House public statement, 181
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission:
- U.S.-Iraqi relations:
- Algiers Accord and, 286
- Arab-Israeli conflict and, 297, 302, 303, 304, 320, 321
- Boeing aircraft sales, 266
- CIA memoranda, 317
- Djerejian-Mansoor discussions, 209
- Djerejian memoranda, 224
- Gatch-Bakr discussions, 251, 255
- Intelsat agreement, 209
- Iraqi Kurds and, 251, 255, 283
- Iraqi political situation and, 292
- Killough memoranda, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298
- Kissinger-Hammadi meetings, 302
- Korn-Mansoor discussions, 224, 228
- Lowrie memoranda, 208, 257, 260, 285, 288
- Madam Hussein U.S. visit, 251
- Military aid, 295
- October 1973 War and, 238
- Oil company nationalization, 240, 317
- Oil issues, 296
- Outstanding claims, 216
- Palestinians and, 294
- Scali-El-Shibib discussions, 252, 253
- Sisco memoranda, 239
- U.S. covert intelligence activities, 287
- Wiley-Hadithi discussions, 303
- Wiley memoranda, 304, 307, 320, 321
- U.S. military aid to Iran:
- Atherton memoranda, 147, 179
- Brown memoranda, 94
- Ellsworth memoranda, 138
- Farland memoranda, 1
- Ford-Ansary discussions, 110
- Helms memoranda, 33, 61, 76, 148, 177, 180, 278
- Helms-Shah discussions, 33, 36, 70
- Humphrey Committee study, 179, 181, 188
- Ingersoll memoranda, 82, 139
- Interdepartmental Working Group report, 59
- Iranian human rights issues and, 84, 196, 197
- Iranian-Iraqi relations and, 267
- Iranian oil revenue losses and, 154, 155, 156, 158, 163
- Iranian political situation and, 9, 11, 92
- Jordan memoranda, 147
- Kissinger-Ansary discussions, 170
- Kissinger memoranda, 2, 101, 117
- Kissinger-Schlesinger discussions, 89
- Kissinger-Shah discussions, 179, 183
- Kissinger-Zahedi discussions, 32
- Miklos/Schiff/Dickman memoranda, 17
- National Intelligence Estimates, 121
- National Security Council staff memoranda, 6, 79, 98, 145, 187, 196
- Oil prices and, 74
- Rogers-Shah discussions, 19
- Rush-Shah discussions, 14
- Saudi Arabia and, 90
- Schlesinger memoranda, 142
- Scowcroft memoranda, 136, 190
- Shah U.S. visit (1973) discussions, 26, 30
- Shah U.S. visit (1975) discussions, 114, 126, 127
- Sullivan memoranda, 99
- Toufanian U.S. visit discussions, 158
- U.S. Defense Representative, 139
- U.S. media coverage, 9, 84, 181, 190, 200
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 188
- White House public statement, 181
- U.S. military aid to Iraqi Kurds:
- Colby memoranda, 227, 243, 250, 264, 289
- Congressional investigations, 301
- Djerejian-Qazzaz discussions, 226
- Ford-Kissinger discussions, 259
- Helms-Barzani discussions, 242
- Helms-Masoud Barzani discussions, 222
- Helms-Shah discussions, 33, 247, 248
- Kissinger-Helms discussions, 24, 31, 227
- Kissinger memoranda, 207, 229, 233, 246, 254, 281
- Lowrie memoranda, 220, 245, 249
- National Security Council staff memoranda, 272
- Scowcroft memoranda, 244, 258, 262, 282
- Senior Review Group discussions, 23
- Shah U.S. visit (1973) discussions, 27, 30
- Sisco memoranda, 239
- Termination of, 289
- Walters memoranda, 225
- USS Hancock, 42, 46
- USS Oriskany, 46
- Uthman, Mahmoud, 220, 222, 242, 248
- al-Wali, Ibrahaim, 285, 292, 303
- Walker, Edward S., Jr., 82
- Wallace, Mike, 196, 201
- Waller, John, 23, 225
- Walters, Lt. Gen. Vernon A., 23, 81, 225
- Watergate affair, 69
- Weinel, Vice Adm. John P., 23
- Weintraub, Sidney, 240
- Whitlam, Gough, 30
- Whitman, William B., 48
- Whitten, Les, 193
- Wickham, Maj. Gen. John A., Jr., 29, 126
- Wiley, Marshall W.:
- Williamson, Maj. Gen. Ellis, 25
- Wilson, Charlie, 315
- Wilson, James M., 197
- Wilson, J. M., 308
- Winkler, Gordon, 149
- Woodson, Leroy, 283
- Woodward, Bob, 200, 202
- World Food Conference, 89
- Wright, Marshall, 50
- Zahedi, Ardeshir:
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 32
- Iranian intelligence personnel in the United States, 199, 201
- Iranian investment in Pan American Airlines, 110
- Oil prices, 48, 73, 75, 195
- Shah U.S. visit (1973), 26, 27, 29, 30, 31
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 168, 169, 170, 194
- U.S.-Iranian nuclear energy cooperation, 107, 110
- U.S.-Iran Joint Commission, 110
- U.S. military aid to Iran, 32, 126, 136, 183
- Zaire, 150, 151
- Zamanian, Maj. Alkakabaf, 158
- Zandipur, Gen., 146
- Zarb, Frank:
- al-Zayyat, Muhammad Hasan, 13
- al-Zubaidi, Munim, 255
- Zahedi, Ardeshir: