81. Letter From President Nixon to Syrian President Asad1

Dear Mr. President:

I want to express to you my gratification at the conclusion of the agreement for the disengagement of Syrian and Israeli forces, and to af [Page 362] firm that the United States considers this agreement only a first step toward a just and durable peace. You have my assurance that the United States will give full, and continuing support, including our active involvement within the year in the next stages of the negotiations, to the achievement of the full implementation of Security Council Resolution 338 in all of its parts.

In our view, the peace settlement should be in accordance with the interests of all the states in the area, consistent with their independence and sovereignty, and should take fully into account the legitimate interests of the Palestinian people.


Richard Nixon2
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Records of Joseph Sisco, Box 32, Briefing Book: Syrian-Israeli Disengagement Documents, Under Secretary Sisco. Secret. According to Kissinger’s memoirs, all documents associated with the agreement had to be complete by May 29. (Years of Upheaval, p. 1106)
  2. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.