248. Backchannel Message From Egyptian President Sadat to President Nixon1
[Omitted here is material unrelated to the October 1973 War.]
The following message is requested to be conveyed urgently from President Sadat to President Nixon: “In the light of the developments of the situation on the Egyptian-Israeli front, and the messages exchanged with the White House, I am formally asking you to intervene effectively, even if that necessitates the use of forces, in order to guarantee the full implementation of the ceasefire resolution in accordance with the joint US–USSR agreement.
We were asked to comply with the ceasefire resolution with the full understanding of the effectiveness of the joint guarantees. I hope that this intervention would be immediate and direct because Israel is taking advantage of the ceasefire to change completely the situation on the military front. The Egyptian Government will consider the U.S. Government fully responsible for what is happening at present, in spite of your guarantees and of the Security Council Resolution co-sponsored by the USA and the USSR, as well as of our acceptance of the Resolution on that basis.
I hope that you would also take the necessary measures with the President of the Security Council for the immediate implementation of the ceasefire in accordance with the Security Council Resolution of October 22, 1973. What is now happening on the military front cannot contribute to the efforts towards reaching the peace which we uphold. Moreover, what is happening now, in the light of your guarantees, does not induce confidence in any other future guarantees. With warmest regards.”2
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Kissinger Office Files, Box 132, Country Files, Middle East, Egypt/Ismail, Vol. VII, October 1–31, 1973. Secret; Sensitive. Sent at 9:15 p.m. Cairo time.↩
- On October 23, Kissinger responded to an urgent message from Ismail regarding continued military activity. The message reads: “Prior to receiving that message, we had already taken the steps that the Egyptian Government has requested. The U.S. side would presume that the Egyptian side would, on its part, take similar immediate steps to cease hostilities. Immediate action by both sides in this regard will help to create the conditions necessary to move quickly toward a permanent settlement in the Middle East.” (Ibid.) For Ismail’s message, see footnote 2, Document 241.↩