231. Telegram From the President’s Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (Scowcroft) to Secretary of State Kissinger in Tel Aviv1
Tohak 88/WH32622. Have just received the following reply from Ismail:
“1. Mr. Ismail wishes to thank Dr. Kissinger for his message of October 222 and to express his appreciation for the major efforts he has exerted and which it is hoped will lead to a speedy, just and lasting solution.
“2. Mr. Ismail wishes to draw Dr. Kissinger’s attention to the following:
“(A) That Egypt is fixing 1700 hours local time on October 22 for the beginning of the implementation of the ceasefire in accordance with the Security Council resolution.
“(B) That we earnestly hope that the Israeli side will not in any way try to benefit from the prevailing situation.”3
While this message was being typed, Vorontsov called with the following message from Moscow:
“President Sadat has informed us that in accordance with the latest resolution of the Security Council, the armed forces of Egypt are ready to cease all the firing at 1700 hours Cairo time if Israel does the same. President Sadat has expressed the wish that Israel make appropriate statement to this effect.”
Warm regards.
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Kissinger Office Files, Box 39, Kissinger Trip Files, HAK Trip—Moscow, Tel Aviv, London, TOHAK 61–123, Oct. 20–23, 1973. Secret; Sensitive; Exclusively Eyes Only; Flash. Sent to Rodman for Kissinger.↩
- In telegram Hakto 15, October 22, 0616Z, Kissinger asked Scowcroft to transmit a personal message to Ismail that reads: “1. Secretary Kissinger wanted you to know that he will in the next few hours be leaving for Israel. We want your government to understand clearly the purpose of this trip. It is to help assure that the Security Council resolution submitted by the US and the USSR will be implemented promptly and to arrange for US–Soviet auspices of the subsequent peace effort. I hope that we can count on the full cooperation of the Egyptian Government in this regard. I look forward to maintaining our contacts.” (Ibid., HAKTO, SECTO, TOSEC, Misc., Oct. 20–23, 1973)↩
- Kissinger’s response to Ismail (received in Washington from Tel Aviv at 9:33 a.m. on October 22) reads: “Your message to me is greatly appreciated. The information concerning a ceasefire has been conveyed to the Israelis and their response is as follows: ‘The orders have been issued for a ceasefire in place at 1852 hours Tel Aviv time. Those orders will be carried out if the other side carries out the orders they reportedly have issued.’” (Ibid., Box 132, Country Files, Middle East, Egypt/Ismail, Vol. VII, October 1–31, 1973)↩