298. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State1

Secto 53. Subject: Memorandum of Conversation Between Secretary and Gromyko.

Following is cleared memcon between Secretary and Gromyko, May 25.
Memorandum of conversation
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Date: May 25, 1972

Time: 4:15–4:55 pm

Place: St. Catherine’s Hall, Grand Kremlin Palace, Moscow

Subject: Middle East and Bilateral Issues


  • US
    • Secretary Rogers
    • Mr. Hillenbrand
    • Mr. Matlock
  • USSR
    • Andrei Gromyko, USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs
    • Anatoly Dobrynin, Ambassador of USSR in US
    • G.M. Korniyenko, Chief, USA, Division, MFA
    • Eduard Zaitsev, Interpreter

Middle East

The Secretary asked whether Gromyko desired a discussion of the Middle East. Gromyko indicated that unless we have new proposals, a discussion of the Middle East probably would not be necessary. As for the Soviet Union, it still favors Ambassador Jarring’s mission. The Secretary said we are still looking for a “Gromyko plan.” Gromyko merely commented that he had informed the Secretary last fall that he doubted the workability of U.S. proposals.

Soviet Jewry

While on the subject of the Middle East, the Secretary expressed our gratification for the increased emigration from the Soviet Union to Israel and said that we hope this emigration will be allowed to continue and increase. Gromyko asked rhetorically if such comments do not constitute interference in Soviet internal affairs.

Representation List

The Secretary then presented Gromyko with a list of 70 persons who wish to join relatives in the United States, as a supplement to the list presented to Ambassador Dobrynin in April. Gromyko accepted the list, but stated that he did so without obligation, since the Soviet Government will be guided by USSR law. As the meeting ended, Gromyko handed the list to Korniyenko.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Country Files, Box 719, Europe, USSR, Vol. XXII, May 1972. Secret; Nodis.