143. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to Secretary of Defense Laird1
- Black Sea and Baltic Sea Operations
I appreciate your memorandum of March 13, 1971 concerning the planned operations in the Black and Baltic Seas.2
As you know, we had visualized the Black Sea operation as being distinctly different from regular operations there, both as to number of ships and duration. The President desires, therefore, that the operating time of the four-ship patrol be increased to five or six days rather than the four days now planned.
The plan for the Baltic Sea is excellent. I understand that there may be some change in the Port at which the Intrepid will call. This would seem to be of less importance than the number of operating days at sea for the ships in this patrol. It would be most useful if the time in port could be kept to a minimum consistent with operational requirements and appropriate consideration for the crews.
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 405, Subject Files, USSR, US Ships in the Black Sea (Silver Fox). Secret.↩
- Document 137.↩