351. Telegram From the Department of State to Secretary of State Rogers in Turkey1
Tosec 129/75175. For the Secretary from Ted Eliot.
Following memorandum to you from the President dated April 28 received April 30 afternoon.
“Subject: Chinese Representation at the United Nations. Text: During the SEATO meeting next week Sir Alec Douglas Home may well expect a definitive discussion with you on the question of Chinese Representation at the UN. Since we have not made our own final decisions, we have no alternative but to ask that the British also wait awhile longer. Sir Alec may be unhappy with this request. You may want to tell him of our latest moves with Chiang. And, if it would be helpful, you may also indicate that I rely heavily on British understanding and cooperation in this matter and that, if necessary, I will speak directly with the Prime Minister. Richard Nixon.”
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, UN 6 CHINAT. Secret; Immediate; Nodis. Drafted and approved by Executive Secretary Eliot. Secretary Rogers was attending a CENTO Ministerial meeting in Ankara.↩