283. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State1

4146. Chirep Vote Results.

UNGA voted Nov 11 on Chirep reses with following results:
Important Question res adopted by vote of 71–48–4, 3 absent (73–47–5 in 1968).
Albanian res defeated 48–56–21, 1 absent (44–58–23 in 1968). (This one vote less than margin forecast USUN 3978.)2
Changes from 1968 were as follows:
Important Question: Ecuador–Abstain to yes; Equatorial Guinea–Yes to absent; Kuwait–No to absent; Libya–yes to no; Malaysia–Yes to abstain; Morocco–No to abstain. Favorable margin thus decreased from 26 to 23.
Albanian res: No to abstain: Belgium, Chile and Italy; Abstain to yes: Ghana, Libya, Mauritius and Nigeria. Only favorable change was Senegal from abstain to no. Favorable margin thus decreased from 14 to 8.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, UN 6 CHICOM. Limited Official Use; Priority. Repeated to Taipei and Hong Kong.
  2. Dated Novembr 5. (Ibid.)