271. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations1

49607. Subject: US Nominee for UN Under Secretary. For US from De Palma.

Following luncheon given by the OAS for Secretary General Waldheim I informed him that Secretary Rogers wished to propose Congressman F. Bradford Morse (R., Mass) for the post of Under Secretary General on the basis of earlier discussions concerning the role we expected an American Under Secretary to play. The SYG seemed visibly disappointed for a moment and remarked that following a press report that Congressman Morse might be proposed there was considerable discussion in UN circles of his apparent lack of experience and unfamiliarity with the United Nations. I told him that on the contrary, I was in a position to assure him that Congressman Morse has taken a keen interest in the work of the United Nations, that as a member of the Peace through Law group in the Congress he has been a leading advocate of UN causes, and that he is closely familiar with United Nations activities. When I added that the Secretary and the President felt that the designation of a member of Congress was particularly desirable at this time in order to improve Congressional confidence in the organization, the SYG reacted very favorably and noted that an experienced member of Congress could contribute much to the organization’s work as well as to its image in the US Congress.

The SYG said he would appreciate an opportunity to talk with Congressman Morse and I undertook to suggest that Mr. Morse arrange to see him in New York as soon as possible.

I subsequently telephoned Mr. Morse who agreed to get in touch with the SYG later today to arrange an appointment.2

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 303, Agency Files, USUN, Vol. X. Confidential; Exdis. Drafted by Assistant Secretary De Palma, cleared by R. Christiansen, and approved by De Palma.
  2. Secretary-General Waldheim announced Morse’s appointment as Under Secretary-General for Political and General Assembly Affairs on March 27.