155. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State1

3788. Subj: UN Scale of Assessments.

MISOFF informed by Da Mota (Brazil) today that he has decided not to introduce res calling for increased reduction for low per capita income countries. He said, as result of US approaches and pressure, his potential cosponsors had decided not to join him in such res and that he had “lost enthusiasm” for it.
We, Soviets, and some WEs plan speak on item tomorrow or Wed in favor continuation existing guidelines and against further reduction for low per capita income countries. Copy of draft US statement pouched Hennes (OIA) tonight.
There remains problem of how to dispose of item. We discussed this at mtg with WEs this afternoon, and consensus was we should settle for Comite decision “noting report of Comite on Contributions” and for para in Fifth Comite report reflecting views stated in debate. It was considered this course of action preferable to tabling draft res reflecting our views, which might draw unacceptable amendments which would be difficult to defeat.
Would appreciate Dept’s comments soonest since we may have take final action on item as early as tomorrow afternoon.2
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, UN 10–4. Confidential.
  2. The Department replied later that day that it agreed with the Western European consensus. “Objective should be that statement in Fifth Committee report not change in any way existing General Assembly guidelines to Committee on Contributions.” (Telegram 182186 to USUN, October 28; ibid.)