148. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations1


Subject: Appropriation for Assessed Contributions to International Organizations Fiscal Year 1970.

Appropriation bill for State and other agencies passed by House July 24 provides full amount requested ($130 million) for assessed contributions to international organizations but requires that at least $2.5 million be paid in form of U.S.-owned excess currencies.
Dept. will propose to Senate deletion of proviso for contribution of $2.5 million in excess currencies, noting that USG has through missions recently explored possibilities for contributing excess currencies. At present only prospects reported are $10,000 to UNESCO and $10,000 to ICAO as part of Calendar Year 1969 contribution and $6,000 to Colombo Plan Council (Ceylon). In preparation for Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, Dept. requests addressees to make further inquiries as appropriate with Secretariats and report by August 4.
At present U.S. excess currencies are those of Burma, Ceylon, Guinea, India, Israel, Morocco, Pakistan, Poland, Tunisia, UAR (Egypt), and Yugoslavia. Near excess currencies are those of Bolivia, Ghana, Indonesia, and Sudan.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, UN 10–4. Unclassified. Drafted by Sidney S. Cummins and Frechtling; cleared by Graham, Richard W. Murray, and Russell P. Whitener; and approved by Frechtling. Also sent to the Mission in Geneva, Montreal, London, Paris, Rome, and Vienna.