158. Memorandum by the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)1


  • The Secretary of State
  • The Secretary of Defense
  • The Director of Central Intelligence

The President has directed that Departments and Agencies concerned refrain from commenting on the implications of his July 15, 1971 announcement concerning the People’s Republic of China.2 This directive applies to both on the record and background statements as [Page 328] well as to inquiries within official and diplomatic channels. In those instances where it is considered that substantive statements must be made, he has asked that such statements be cleared with him through the office of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.

Henry A. Kissinger3
  1. Source: National Security Council, Secretariat, Directives, 1971, Directive #89. Confidential. A copy was sent to Moorer.
  2. For text of the President’s remarks to the nation announcing acceptance of an invitation to visit the People’s Republic of China, see Public Papers: Nixon, 1971, pp. 819–820. Nixon visited the People’s Public of China February 21–28, 1972.
  3. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.