139. Memorandum of Discussion Between General Eisenhower and Director of Central Intelligence McCone1
[Omitted here is unrelated material.]
6. Turning to the matter of Government organization, General Eisenhower spoke, as he has many times in the past, that there exists a serious void in the organizational structure of the President’s advisors and staff, and this he believes is unwise and dangerous. He reviewed the organizational structure of the OCB and the Planning Board which supported the NSC during his Administration, and while he felt that this organization was cumbersome and needed some streamlining, he feels that the absence of such an organization places the President in a position in which he is forced to make decisions without the benefit of all of the background that bears on the situation under consideration. General Eisenhower also strongly urged that the President study this organization problem seriously, and recommended he consult with those who are thoroughly familiar with the past organization and its operation, including General Goodpaster and Mr. Gordon Gray.2
- Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Agency File, CIA. No classification marking. Prepared by John McCone. The meeting was held at the Huntington Hotel.↩
- In a January 5 memorandum for the record regarding his meeting with President Johnson at the LBJ Ranch on January 4, McCone stated: “The President agreed with Item #6 in the December 31 memorandum on the organization of his own staff and the reinstitution of some type of a Planning Board. He said that he had discussed this subject in some detail with Eisenhower and was convinced Eisenhower was right. He indicated an intention to discuss this subject with Mr. Gordon Gray.” (Ibid.) See also Document 146.↩