71. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Dominican Republic1
1228. “From: The President. For Bundy and Vance.2
- 1.
- After Bundyʼs telecon with Moyers this am,3 it was decided in full review here to approve your recommendation to return, Bundy to come back to Washington Wednesday4 morning and Vance to remain, pending arrival of OAS Foreign Ministers committee.5 We hope that [Page 170] this committee will be constituted at the OAS Foreign Ministers meeting which begins Thursday.6
- 2.
- It desirable for Bundy, Vance and Mora review situation with Caamano this afternoon outlining what US has successfully done to date and pointing out that we will continue to cooperate with OAS in all undertakings. We hope that OAS will continue the effort to establish a government of moderate, progressively oriented, anti-Communist elements representing a broad spectrum of Dominican opinion and all our info is available to them together with any information they may desire.
- 3.
- Desirable Bundy, Vance and Mora have talk with Guzman and Imbert in order also to impress them with the need for restraint pending arrival of OAS representatives.
- 4.
- Bundy is to brief Benitez so that Benitez can return to San Juan to advise Bosch as to US efforts and intentions, emphasizing need for restraint during very critical next few days.
- 5.
- Press treatment could be as follows: in order coordinate with our
briefings here:
- (A)
- At 3:30 pm this afternoon, Washington time, Bundy and Vance will give backgrounder in Santo Domingo.
- (B)
- Rusk will have on-the-record press conference Wednesday morning in Washington.
- (C)
- In describing function of Bundy–Vance mission, you should take following
- (1)
- Compliment the 5-man OAS Commission and point out that their presence in Santo Domingo laid the basis for the achievement of a cease-fire which is now being better observed.
- (2)
- The 5-man committee felt that its mandate limited its activities essentially to fact-finding and reporting. It did not feel that without further instructions from the meeting of foreign ministers it had a mandate to search for a liberal non-Communist provisional government of conciliation.
- (3)
- The activities of the Bundy group have been exploratory in nature and designed to assist the efforts of the OAS at a very critical time. At all times the Bundy group has worked closely with and supported [Page 171] the OAS representative—first the 5-man OAS mission and later Dr. Mora.
- (4)
- Mora has done a good job. There is more observance of the cease-fire agreement reached by the 5-man OAS committee. The Inter-American force is now under the command of a Brazilian officer. Several Ministers of Foreign Affairs plan to attend personally the meeting of Foreign Ministers scheduled for May 27 in Washington.
- (5)
- Between the efforts of the Bundy group and the OAS representatives a number of avenues have been explored for establishing a provisional government of reconciliation representing all non-Communist, responsible political groups in the country.
- (6)
- The US however has no special candidate of its own. The Dominican people with the assistance of the OAS must find a way to bring about the creation of a broadly based government committee to reform and to elections. In particular the US does not support extremists either of the left or of the right.
- (7)
- In view of the progress which has been made, the
time has come for Bundy to return to Washington in next
day or so. He will report fully to the President and
the Secretary of State prior to the Foreign
Ministers meeting which meets on May 27. Vance will stay on to
be of assistance to the Inter-American forces until
such time as the decisions of the meeting of Foreign
Ministers have been taken. At that time, he too,
will return to Washington. Hopefully this will be
within the next few days. Stonewall7 anxious you stress
following accomplishments to date:
- 1.
- Americans and other foreign nationals have been evacuated without loss of any lives.
- 2.
- Under the authority of the OAS an international safety cease-fire has been established and continues to be maintained as a haven for all of those who wish to use it.
- 3.
- A small but highly disciplined and armed Communist minority has been prevented from imposing itself on the country.
- 4.
- Large scale beachhead has been prevented by first the US force—now the Inter-American force—along the line of communications which separates the two contending forces.
- 5.
- Large quantities of food and medicine have been distributed to provide for the hungry and sick as a result of the efforts of many American countries.
- 6.
- An Inter-American force has been established for the first time in American history thus making it possible for the US to reduce the [Page 172] number of US forces—details concerning the reduction of the US forces will be made available soon.
- 7.
With the efforts that have been made thus far by Mora, the commission and the Bundy–Vance mission, the stage has been set for the OAS to address itself to the question of finding a definitive political solution to the problem and we hope to the consideration of corrective machinery for dealing with these problems in the future. These matters are under OAS consideration. We hope that the OAS will continue to be the principal instrument in this hemisphere for this current, independent and democratic effort in the Western Hemisphere.
Washington Post today carried story FBI sending team of agents to Santo Domingo to help identify and locate Communists. Agreed-upon statement by Reedy this morning was ‘the only thing I will say is the FBI and CIA are working jointly as they customarily do on activities that are connected with the welfare of our own country, and any further information will have to come from the FBI.’ You should simply reply back to the White House statement if queried about this.
On Guzman role the agreed-upon statement by State at noon today was ‘We do not have full information about Mr. Guzmanʼs role at the bank or his activities while director and we suggest you ascertain this from him directly.’ Stonewall anxious avoid direct or indirect endorsement Guzman by USG officials.
One final note from Stonewall: Your effort should provide clear, sharp note of confidence that from the Sunday8 morning when we first moved ships to horizon until now, we have met with success in our program. Specific objectives (evacuation, averting commie takeover, cease-fire, OAS participation, etc.) achieved. Present step only continuation of that program. Turning now to OAS not admission of defeat but logical consequence previous developments.”
- Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic State &CIA Cables. Secret; Flash; Exdis.↩
- Bundy, Mann, Vance, and Vaughn, the “Bundy–Vance Mission,” departed Washington for Santo Domingo at 7 a.m. on May 15 on President Johnsonʼs instructions to help establish a government of national concord. They arrived in Santo Domingo May 16 after a stop in San Juan, Puerto Rico.↩
- Not further identified.↩
- May 19.↩
- OAS Commission members Colombo of Argentina and Carrisoza of Colombia arrived in Santo Domingo on the morning of May 15. The other three members were already in Santo Domingo.↩
- The Tenth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics was held May 20 at the OAS Headquarters in Washington. The ministers adopted a resolution to entrust the OAS Secretary General, Jose A. Mora “to negotiate a strict cease-fire in accordance with the Act of Santo Domingo,” and “to offer his good offices to the parties in conflict, with a view to the establishment of a climate of peace and conciliation that will permit the functioning of democratic institutions in the Dominican Republic.” (American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1965, pp. 981–982)↩
- Presumably a reference to President Johnson.↩
- April 24.↩